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“Hey, are you ready?” Seth asked me through my door.
    “Yeah hold on. . .” I answered. I ran around my room frantically looking for my jean jacket. I found it hanging on the back of a chair. I quickly ran out of the room and bumped my head against Seth’s rock hard chest.
    “Ready?” He asked looking down at me with a broad smile. I blushed and nodded and walked down the stairs with Seth on my heels. When I locked up the house with the key Emily keeps under the mat, me and Seth started walking towards the beach where the bonfire will take place.
    “So how was your lunch date?” Seth asked me looking down at his feet.
    “Amazing! Gino is so. .  .so. . . Great! I mean he’s the first guy I think I really, really, really like. . . I think he could be the one.”
    I looked up to see Seth’s face when he didn’t say anything. His face was twisted in what looked like pain. He didn’t look at me, he just stared at the ground.
    “Seth?” I stepped in front of him to make him look at me.
    “Yeah?” he looked up and I could’ve sworn I saw a tear in his eye.
    “Is something wrong? Did I say. . . .” I asked.
    “No, you didn’t say anything I’m just really happy for you and Gino. ‘specially Gino for having such a great and beautiful girl like you.” He said. I’ve never had someone say something that sweet and nice to me. I walked up and gave him a hug around his waist. He immediately responded and hugged me back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held my head to his chest. His head fell down and rested on my shoulder
    “I just want you to be happy” He muttered into my hair.
    “And I am. . . with Gino” I pulled away and gave him a smile, he gave me a smile back but I knew it was a cover up.
    “Come on, I think we should get to the bonfire.” I grabbed his hand and we walked over to the beach where I saw the smoke heave its way up into the sky.
    When we got to the beach everyone was already there. I looked up at Seth to see if he was alright. He looked down at me and smiled, but it was fake. I headed to the fire where older Emily and everyone was. I saw that Mr. Black, Old Quill, and Seth’s dad, Harry, were forming a circle around the fire with everyone. I sat next to Kim and Clare climbed onto my lap. I loved Clare like a sister, I would do anything for her.
    “Are wou weady for stowy time?” she asked me, I smiled down at her and about to answer when Kim elbowed me in the ribs.
    “Owe what?” She shushed me and nodded to the elders.
    “We have always been a small tribe from when we first made our mark on the earth. But we have never faded away. We have always had magic in our blood to keep us from dieing out. We descend from wolves, so as long as there are wolves we will always live.” Mr. Black looked to Harry to take it from there.
    “It is said Quileute comes from the word Kwoli which means what? Does anyone know?” Mr. Clearwater looked around the circle for an answer when Clare put up a little hand.
    “It means wolf”. She stated.
    “Correct. Kwoli means wolf and like Billy said we will always live as long as there are wolves and the Spirits above.  But once we were in trouble with the spirits. They brought down rain, hail, snow, and sleet forcing us to leave our coast-side village and move to the prairies where we became weak and lean from famish. The hail we received destroyed the scarce food we had. We could not fish, the rivers were frozen from the snow. We could not turn to the sea for help, for there were too many storms in the ocean. Our only hope was to ask for help from the Great Spirit. .  .but no help came.”
    “Wait was all the tribe could do. . . Wait.” Old Quill carried on the story. “The Tribe waited in silence for the One who is wise and all-powerful. Then when the tribe lost all hope lighting flashed the sky. The natives heard wings flapping and looked to the ocean to see a giant bird-shaped beast fly towards them.
    “They watched in silence as the Thunderbird dropped a giant, living, breathing, whale in the village. The bird like beast had glowing red eyes and descended back into the lighting  storm it had come from.”
    “So you see” it was now Mr. Blacks turn to finish the story. “The natives prayers were answered and this whale. .  .this whale saved many from hunger and keeping the Quileute’s from dieing. This tribe shall never forget what the great Spirit did for us.”
Clare once again raised her hand.
    “Mr. . . Mr. Black” She said frantically. “Could you tell the story of imprinting?”
Everyone looked at each other and chuckled a few times which I didn’t understand why. The elders looked to one another and said they would be more than happy too.
    “Everyone knows we are shape-shifters and when you are a shape-shifter you could, I’m not saying you will, but you could imprint.
    “Imprinting is when a shape-shifter first lays eyes on his soul mate. The imprinter would do anything for his imprint, either its to love them or to leave them, no matter if it kills him inside. Now what would happen if the imprinter is rejected from his imprint?”
Once again Kim elbowed me in the ribs.
    “Will you stop doing that?” I asked a little annoyed. She nodding to across the circle, and over the fires dim light. I followed her gaze and met Seth’s eyes staring straight at me, he sat straight and tall not taking his eyes off of me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him either. The fires glow complemented his features and his eyes making him look older than he really is. His short black hair was dark and his skin was rusty colored from the fires glow. He had no expression on his face, it was as if he was trying to talk to me without speaking.
    “It is actually unknown for what the imprinter would do, but it would seem it would be impossible because they are perfect matches. .  . The perfect soul mates. It would be unbelievable if an imprintee doesn’t feel the pull the imprinter has on them.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of Seth, his eyes were narrow slits and his face expressionless. He stared back until Jake gave him a little nudge in the side, he looked back at his dad and started listening again. 
    The rest of the night went pretty fast. After some of the legends everyone ate and messed around. I gave Clare piggy back rides until I got tired and I told her to go and ask Quill to do the rides for me. I was grabbing a hot dog when Seth came to my side.
    “Hey” I replied.
    “Did you like the legends?”
    “Yeah they were really cool” I told him.
    “Then what’s wrong?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Something is wrong I can just tell.”
    “There’s nothing wrong. . . Just why were you looking at me so intently during the legends?”
    “I was just admiring at how gorgeous you look” He smiled and his teeth were snow white in the dark. I laughed
    “Don’t get all gooey Seth.” His smiled broaden.
    “Then stop looking beautiful and I’ll stop being all nice and gooey”.
    I laughed and I heard my cell phone ring in my bag by the fire. I looked up at Seth and we stared at each other for a second. Then we both darted to my bag but Seth beat me to it. He laughed and grabbed my bag and looked at the text massage I got. He read it and gave me the phone looking away with hurt in his eyes. I read my message and it was from Gino wondering if I wanted to go see a movie with him in a few minutes. I quickly replied a sure and grabbed my things.
    “Where ya goin?” Seth asked.
    “You read the message, Gino wants to go see a movie with me! I’m not passing this up! But I had a really fun night with everyone, make sure you tell them that ok? Oh and tell your dad that he’s a really good storyteller! I really need to go! Bye Seth!” I yelled back at him.
    “Sure thing, I had fun too. . . while it lasted.” I heard him mutter and I ran off to see a movie with Gino. . . the guy I loved!

Dusk: Seth Clearwater Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now