A Promise

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“Emily, sweety, can I talk to you outside?” Older Emily asked Emily. Emily looked up from her spot across from me at the table and got up to go outside for a minute. They both walked out on the porch in silence, I waited nervously hoping Emily wont get upset. . . I hated that.
Ever since Gino broke Emily’s heart, she’s been in a horrible, dreadful, deep depression. She had no emotion to her now, all she does is sleep, eat, and drink, that’s it. I tried my hardest to talk to her or even to go by her but she always turned away or walked away; she wouldn’t let anyone in. But the worst thing about this is Gino doesn’t even care about my imprint. He dumped her and didn’t regret any of it.
I was pulled out of my train of thought when everyone at the table heard crying and yelling from outside. My Mom looked down with sadness in her eyes trying to pretend she didn’t hear anything, the pack did the same.

“No Emily! You don’t get it! None of you get it!” Emily came barging in with tears streaming down her face.
“Emily, honey, please stop” Older Emily put a comforting hand on her, which quickly got shoved off.
“No I wont stop! Know one knows or cares about me! I’m useless and unwanted and we all know that!” Emily screamed and walked out the back door. Older Emily walked passed the table to the door Emily ran out of but was stopped by me.
“Wait Emily, She’s my imprint, I should go get her.”
“Seth she wont listen I’m telling you. I’ve never seen her like this, it breaks my heart.”
“Now you know how I feel” I muttered. She looked at my face with a sorrow in her eyes.
“I’m sorry Seth. I’m sorry this had to happen to such a nice kid like you”
“don’t be sorry. I just want Emily back to herself.” I hoped this could and will come true. . . But what if it doesn’t?
“I do too.” Emily said and was called back into the kitchen by Sam.
I walked out the back door and started walking down the road trying to hear Emily’s footsteps or sobs so I could find her. I kept on walking until I was past Embry’s house and down by the beach. I walked through the tiny wooden fence and immediately heard Emily’s sobs by the fallen tree I sat with her by when the guys where acting like jerks to her that one day at the beach.
“What do you want?” She asked with accusation in her eyes.
“I wanted to talk to you, and make you feel better” I gave her my best smile.
“Sit down and wipe that stupid smile off you’re face.” She said turning the other direction. That stung.
“Seth, you have no idea what I went through” She said still not facing me.
“Well I can help if you tell me” I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. She quickly grabbed her hand away.
“No, you cant help in any way! You’re just a stupid guy!” Emily still had rivers of tears running down her face.
“Emily I can help, really.” I pleaded.
“How? How could you possibly help?. . You have no idea” She turned and faced me.
“Actually I do have an idea. When Leah and Sam were dating-”
“Leah and Sam were dating?”
“Yeah they were like high school sweethearts. They did everything together, not one dinner did we not have Sam.“ I smiled at the memory of it. . . Boy has Leah changed. “But one night Leah cam home and she just. . . She just acted different, like I don’t know. She just wasn’t herself. My whole family tried talking to her, but when we did she would shut us out. We figured Sam moved on to one of Leah’s best friends, your aunt, Emily. After that our family hated Sam for doing this to Leah, but we eventually forgave him.”
“Why would Sam go with Emily when he was with Leah?” Emily asked from my side. I had two choices: Tell her about the imprinting thing and the werewolf dilemma or ignore it and not tell her. . . .
“I guess he just liked her better” I went with plan B.
“So Sam was a player. . . .” Emily said, a little shocked.
“Well no. . . he had his reasons”
“And what could his reasons be? Dump Leah and break her heart?”
“I don’t know, but we’re not talking about the Sam, Leah and Emily love triangle, we’re talking about you.” I muttered from beside her. She looked calmer than before, I think the story calmed her down.
She waited a minute before speaking, “Have you ever had a girlfriend?” She looked me in the eye with a serious look.
“Uh, no” I admitted with shame. I hated saying I’ve never dated anyone before. I mean I’m 15 and I’ve never had a girlfriend. . . Sad.
“So you have know idea what its like to be broken up with?” Tears started there way back again into Emily’s eyes.
“No. . .”
“Consider yourself lucky” She said sobbing a little on the last word. She looked up at me and I couldn’t help myself. I scooted over and held her in my arms. Her arms wrapped around my back and neck as mine wrapped around her waist. She cried into my shoulder and I kept on saying comforting words.
“I’m so sorry for what happened, Emily” She looked up with wet, red eyes.
“But you don’t even know what happened” She stated with trembling words.
“No, but I do know someone broke you’re heart and made a big mistake of leaving you.” I held her closer to me. She rested her head on my chest and the sobbing stopped.
“Why a mistake?” She mumbled. I pulled her off of me so we were both kneeling staring at each other. I grabbed her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes.
“Because you’re a beautiful girl, Emily. . . And you’re funny.” I smiled. Instead of an insult like earlier she smiled.
I remembered how Leah felt and still feels now. . . Betrayed. Emily and Leah both feel betrayed from the guys they were with, but I’m gonna give Emily something that Leah never had. . . A promise.
I squeezed her fingers that were tangled in mine and smiled once again.
“I’ll tell ya what, I promise I will never leave you. Not for anything.”
She smiled up at me in a disbelief kind of way.
“You can’t make that kind of promise Seth” She objected. I pulled her close so she was at my chest again and I whispered. . . .
“Watch me”

Hey Everyone! Sorry this took me more than a week to upload, i try to upload every weekened but sometimes things get in the way. So i just wanna ask if you guys would like it i put a title for each chapter. . . like a main thing that happens or a quote from the chapter.Cuz i think it maybe better than what i have now. So tell me what ya think and Comment and Vote for next chapter!!! Thanks for reading!!! :P

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