Chapter 4

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Megan's POV

"You're either going to that camp or you're out of the house" my dad yelled as he threw clothes out of my dresser into a gym bag.

I was supposed to have packed yesterday and be ready for my little "vacation" today. But the van was outside and I still refused to go. All I could do was remain silent as my world shattered around me. My mom stood at my doorway, silently sobbing.

"If you want to live a life of sin you will not do it in this household!" My dad roared once more.

"DAD IM NOT-" he cut me off.

"Then get in the van" he lowered his voice.

His back was turned to me and I could see his shoulders loose their stiffness. "I just want what's best for you mija. It's not normal to behave the way you do." He sighed.

"Please baby, please just get in the van so we can put this behind us and have a normal family again" my mom looked up from the tissue she used to wipe her tears.

Was it really that serious to them? Did they genuinely think I could have impure thoughts like that? Maybe my thoughts aren't natural but could I really be tearing my family apart because of them? Wouldn't it just be better to, go and get it over with? Maybe I'll come back and everything will just be normal again. Ugh fuck, why does she have to be crying right now.

"And am I just supposed to miss 6 months of school?" I snarked. And why tf is it 6 months?

"They'll still give you regular courses over there" my dad turned around, I could feel the smile trying to push out.

"Understand that everything we do, is for your own good mija." He places his hands on my shoulders.

"And either kicking me out or sending me to conversion therapy is what's best for me" I said lowly, looking at the ground.

Silence filled the room.

"Finish packing and we'll meet you downstairs" my dad stepped away from me and left my room, taking my mother with him.

As soon as they left I fell to my knees and bawled my eyes out. I'm an abomination, to my parents, they only people that matter in my life all think I'm some sort of disgusting freak. It felt like I've disappointed everyone I've cared about and the only way to make it better was going to some hell pit. The only way to get my life back to normal is to go to some unknown place that will probably beat the gay outta me. I've never been more terrified to do anything in my life. If I don't go, I'll be shunned from everyone and have no where to go. But if I do, I could endure so much pain. I don't even know what this place is about or what they do but I do know is that one way or another "we'll put you on your true direction"

I could always run away.

But where would I go.

You're gonna get thrown out anyway if you don't go,


Look, 6 months of therapy vs finding a place to live and finding a job and finding away to go to school.

This is so fucking unfair.


The drive to that awful place was horrid. My parents tagged along to make sure that I had my papers set and they keep going on and on about how I'm making the right decision and they were so proud of me. As I look out the window and take in the color changing leaves it felt like hours had gone by, hours that consisted of me being on my phone and my mother trying to pray the gay away.

Alison texted me a couple times, asking where I was and if I was okay, but for obvious reasons I didn't respond. Where tf would I be Traitor? How could she just throw me under the bus like that, if I'm gay then she's most definitely the mother of all queers. She's the one always asking for sleepovers, initiating those "games". We were supposed to do face masks last night, before I got ambushed with an intervention. We would've woken up today and made our favorite pancakes, practiced our cheer and went to game. There, I would've kissed my boyfriend good luck, I would've ran out wearing his practice jerseys then I would take it off to cheer. Now I'm gonna miss all of that for 6 months. I'm gonna miss cheering for 6 months.

It may sound dumb to you but cheerleading really is my passion. Out of all the things I care about, cheer is the one thing that hurts to miss. Whenever I cheer I feel like I'm liberated, I can let down any walls I've held up and just be free. In cheer you were part of a team, everyone had a role that was important to pulling off the stunts and getting the crowd hyped. Whenever I would do my stunts, and they'd through me in air, that feeling of me floating was like an ecstasy. Hearing the crowd roar for us was the most gratifying thing in the world. The way the wind felt when I would tumble. The smile on everyone's faces.

"We're here mija" My mom pulled me from my thoughts.

The van had stopped in front of this Barbie dream house, looking, place. The bright pink farm house had this wrap around porch with a banner on it that said "TRUE DIRECTIONS".

   Standing in front of my door was a bleach blood lady dressed in a nice, pink blazer and skirt set. She looked liked like the definition of feminine and I think that's what she was going for. She looked fragile but mean and scary at the same time. Her soft face seemed inviting but I knew what was really behind that Colgate smile.

  "Welcome Welcome Welcome, I'm Catherine, Mother here at True Directions. You must be Megan?" Her voice was just as soft as I imagined it would be. It was like when you cut into wrapping paper and it goes smoothly instead going all cr- cr- cr- ya know. Or like smooth butter, something that you just want to melt into.


So, how are y'all liking the book so far?

I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm probably gonna update the book every Monday and sometimes Wednesday. I'm might update this Wednesday.

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