Chapter 7

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Narrator POV

   After a while Megan got dressed in her uniform and made her way towards the dining area. It was still pretty warm outside so the teen had the privilege of eating outside under the night sky. Today's menu was a simple lasagna and fries, made by one of the girls as per usual. Catherine believed having the girls doing household chores, such as cooking all the meals and cleaning the house, would remind them of their true feminine nature. With the boys of course fixing random broken things as if handy work equaled masculinity.

     Since there was usually only 8 kids at the camp, at a time, there were only two big circular picnic tables. The tables were so big, they fit all of the teens in one. Megan, in her baby pink Mary Janes, made her way over to the only other table making sure to sit faced away from everyone. She couldn't be more embarrassed for how she acted earlier and wanted nothing but alone time. But Kacie wasn't about to let that happen.

    Standing up with her tray, the brown girl, made her way over to Megan. Although reluctant Bryce followed her friend, causing Emma to scurry behind her.

"Hey homo." Bryce said as she dropped her tray next to Megan's, earning a hard eye roll from Megan.

"Why are you sitting by yourself?" Kacie asked, placing herself on the other side of Megan.

"Well, if you don't mind, I actually wanted some alone time to process." Megan looked down at her plate.

"As a fellow homo I can't let you be alone during a time like this. If you think about it too much you'll just end up flipping out." Kacie declared.

"I mean, some part of you always knew you just never let yourself admit it. We've all been there." Bryce picked at her food.

"We've all been there" They might have been simple words but they meant a lot to Megan, she wasn't alone. Megan looked up at the masculine girl who, without even trying,  had reassured Megan. Megan still felt utterly embarrassed for how she reacted earlier but Bryce was right, part of her always knew and finally admitting who she was, is the first step to getting on her True Direction.

"I can't wait 'till I'm straight, I've always wanted to be." Emma blurted, everyone turned to stare  at the blonde.

"Doesn't it feel good to finally be able to express yourself." Kacie moved her gaze back to Megan.

"I guess...I don't think I would be able to talk to my friends about this stuff, so it feels good to get it off my chest." Megan shrugged.

"Maybe you have the wrong friends" Bryce rolled her eyes.

"For your information, I have great friends."

"Just like your great boyfriend?" Bryce smiled,stared at Megan directly in the eyes, intimidating the smaller girl.

"If you can't even talk to your friends about your "conflicting thoughts" then what can you talk to them about" Kacie followed Bryce's statement.

"Lots of things" Megan stood up straight, squirming in her seat under the blue haired girls gaze.

"I think we should all be supporting each other, and uplifting each other instead of bullying one another" Emma laid her hand on Bryces shoulder delicately.

Flinching her shoulder away, Bryce spat "Oh really princess, would you like to start the kumpaya"

Emma dropped her head and stared at her food.

"Do you have to bitch to everyone all the time! God it's like everything is just a joke to you. Emma is being really sweet right now and all you're doing is crushing her. Not to mention homo? What the fuck is that, are you making fun of me or something? Is being the mean sarcastic bitch your quirk or something?" Megan snapped.

Everyone from the other table had turned their heads in Bryce's direction, all staring with wide mouths. Kacie sighed with disappointment and disapproval at Megan, while Emma just stared wide eyed at Bryce who's smirk dropped in an instant. Bryce's face was almost unreadable, the cocky smile she once had faded into a straight line. Her lily pad green eyes pierced into Megan's side profile, as Megan had tore her eyes away from the little staring contest they were having.

"Wow that was really aggressive, how did that feel?" Bryce giggled, sarcasm spilling through her lips "How did it feel to let most of your anger out on me, was it good? Refreshing huh?"

Bryce stood up from the table, a smirk on her face "I'm done, come on Emma, let me go bully you some more."

Emma stood up after Bryce, the two walked hand in hand over to the trash station and placed their trays down. Megan stared in shock at their intertwined hands, confusion and embarrassment written all over her face. She had once again put her foot in her mouth. Even tho she had just met the girl, she had grown tired of her mocking. But blowing up on Bryce, on the first day, might not have been the best decision. Megan knew that she was only joking but how could she joke about something like this?

  "Bryce just uses comedy as a coping mechanism, she's actually really dope once you get to know her." Kacie said.

"Is everyone staring at me?"

"Well not anymore."

All Megan wanted to do was sink into a hole and die as she let out a loud groan.

"I know this must be hard for you, but remember that we're all here for similar reasons and you're not the only one going through it. Try to relax and get comfortable. Come one lemme show you to the bathrooms" Kacie stood.


Ugh not me missing Monday upload🙄.

Anyways how are you guys doing, what have y'all been up too?

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