Chapter 19

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Bryce POV

I was staring. I was definitely staring at Megan but I couldn't help myself, I just couldn't understand how she could look so mesmerizing while so stressed. Her eyebrows were furrowed while she watch the way everyone danced together in perfect harmony.

  "Hey would you like to dance?" An older, dirty blonde, woman walked up to Megan.

I saw Megan's eyes widen before she responded "No thanks"

   I felt my chest go down from relief, I didn't want Megan dancing with this old biddy or anyone other me but I could see how stressed and uncomfortable she was and thought, maybe if she danced a little she could loosen up.

  "She would love too, its just one dance" I said pushing Megan towards the woman.

I stood at the bar watching them feeling jealousy come over me. Of course it had to be dancing during a slow song. I watched as she smiled softly  and gracefully danced in sync with that old broad. That should be me holding her tightly in my arms and whispering funny things in her ear.
  I already knew I liked Megan, I knew it since I first saw her but she's so hell bent on being straight any move on that would freak her out. But the truth is she's the only person I'm soft for.

  I was brought out of my daze by a pair of hands wrapping themselves around my arm.

  "Do you wanna dance cutie?" a short dark haired girl whispered in my ear

  She was nothing like Megan, she was short, maybe 5.2, long black hair and a HUGE ass. Usually I wouldn't be so vulgar but I mean that thang was sitting pretty, and I tired of torturing myself by watching Megan dance with someone else.

I slowly guided the girl to an open spot on the dance floor and she immediately began grinding up on me. Usually my body would've caught the rhythm of hers by now but I was so tense under Megan's gaze. I could feel her eyes burning into my back, watching me as I danced but why would she care. She made it pretty clear that she didn't want anything to do with another girl, especially me.

I shook my thoughts away and started to let loose a little. I let my hands roam a little lower on the short girls sides. I heard a rough purr escape from her mouth causing her to turn around, pressing her chest into my stomach. Her hands reached up and she caressed my short hair before standing up on her tippy toes and pulling my face down, pressing her dry lips against mine. I quickly pulled away in disgust, she wasn't who wanted. Looking up from the girl stupidly smiling as if it had been phenomenal, which it probably was I am a GOAT, that's besides the point. I just caught a glimpse of Megan running out the back of the club and my heart broke at the idea that I had something to do with it.

Racing after her, I nearly broke the shorter girls arms which were still holding firmly for some reason. Pushing the the back door open I felt the cool air embrace my lungs as I took an automatic deep breathe.

Megan was sitting on some old crates that read Corona on them. The dark alley being lit only by a small patio light. Her eyebrows were furrowed together and she held a tight frown as her leg jumped up and down in anger. Hearing the door shut behind me she looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

"That's why we came here, so you can be yourself" Megan scoffed looking away from me.

"What? No! Well yes but it was mainly so you could finally let loose and stop being so fucking uptight"

"Oh loosen up? Like how you were so loose with that girl!" Megan stood, hands on her hips

Is that what she was so mad about? That's why she was staring at me so hard while we were dancing, she was jealous. "Loose? How the fuck was I loose?"

"Oh like you were basically fucking her while your hands were all up on her like this" Megan stepped towards me rubbing my body as an attempt to mimic how I was dancing.

Stepping back from her I looked down "why do you care?"

Her eyes widened and I saw her shoulders tense.

"Are you...Are you jealous Megan?" I stalked towards her.

  Taking her silence as my answer I stepped closer, closing the gap between us. Lifting my hand slightly, placing it gently on the back of her neck. "Is..that what's got you all upset? You're jealous"

  "I-I'm...I'm not jealous" she stammered her voice barely a whisper. I could almost hear her heart pounding out of her chest, the cool air suddenly feeling like a thousand degrees.

"Then why are you freaking out?"

Taking a deep breathe and timidly stepping back "It's none of my business, do whatever you want"

Holding my grip on her neck so that she couldn't move, "You want me to do whatever I want?"

"Go ahead, I could care less" I could feel irritation building up and I was having fun with this little game.

  "What I really want" A smirk played in my lips.

"Ya know what, SCREW YOU!" She finally looked up at me.

I couldn't wait any longer and I crashed my lips onto hers and immediately let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. My other hand gripped at her waist as her lips moved in perfect rhythm with mine. I had never craved something so much in my life, I felt like if she pulled away I wouldn't survive. I'm such a fucking simp.

   I winced at the breeze on my lips as she pulled away. With hurt in my eyes, I saw her shake her head as she sat back on the old crates. I couldn't read her face but I knew we were back to square one.

I just sighed and sat next to her "Megan-"

I was caught off guard by her lips intertwining with mine, it was slow and deep, sending butterflies erupting from the pit of my stomach. She tasted like strawberries and I couldn't get enough of her. I felt her hand graze my cheek and I was on cloud 9.

Whining at the loss of contact for the second time, I opened my eyes to see Megan staring at me. Before she could say anything I started "If the next words out of your mouth are about how wrong this is, then just smile quietly and let me walk away."

This earned a small giggle from the brunette "I like you, like a lot."

"Really?" I couldn't bring myself to look her in her eyes.

Lifting my head up with soft hands "I really do, I'm really scared but I'm tired of having to fight myself and everyone else."

The soft glow of the patio lights illuminated her tender face and I could tell she was so genuine. " have anything to tell me??"

"Thank you?" I teased.

Slapping me on arm "you're welcome, Anything else??"

"Did you see the way Kacie was dancing with that one girl?

"Oh wowww I see how it is" She pouted her beautifully plump lips

Taking her lips in with mine again I held her face, kissing her forehead tenderly before I said "You know I like you"


How are we feeling at how sapphic Bryce actually is????
I'm so glad Megan is finally letting go and accepting the little gay baby she is.
Also wanted to switch it up a lil bit and put her POV for once.

Hope y'all are doing great, sending love and light

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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