Chapter 17

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Megan didn't know what changed between her and Bryce but she was so glad it did. It had been a week since the Ben incident and the girls have been inseparable. They did all they're chores together and were always the first girls to finish getting ready, so they could talk alone. Whenever they were alone it felt like they could talk about anything and everything. Bryce, who was usually standoffish, couldn't help but feel comfortable around Megan.

    "Whats your sign?" Megan giggled as she sat crisscross on Bryce's bed staring at the blue haired girl, who was laying on her side in front of her.

   "Like my zodiac?" Bryce chuckled as she drew circles on Megan's thigh.

Smiling at the soft tingles she got, from the slight touch, Megan nodded. "Yea"

   "Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, and Sag rising. I don't really know the rest."

  Megan's eyes bulged out of her head, she was surprised that Bryce would know her big three off the top of her head like that. Seeing how surprised Megan was, Bryce looked down and smiled. "My ex? was like obsessed with that astrology stuff."

Megan couldn't help the slight punch to her heart at the mention of another girl. "Will you tell me about her?"

    "Why do you wanna know about her?" Bryce spat, without looking up at Megan.

"I wanna know more about you and she obviously-"

     "Tell me about your girl" Bryce sat up and stared Megan down.

"I don't really want to talk about that."

   "Why not, you still in love with her?" Bryce's eyes looked back down at her pointer finger, still drawing circles, that turned into swiggly lines, on Megan's thigh.

   The truth is, as much as Megan was getting comfortable with Bryce, there was always a slight whisper of Ally's name that kept popping up in her head. She wondered if Ally had been the one to turn her in, if she hated Megan and thought she was disgusting, or if she was currently tonguing down Megan's boyfriend to prove how straight she was. Megan missed her but when she was with Bryce she didn't know if she missed her because she was her first or if she truly loved her. It felt so different with Bryce. It felt right.

"I-...I don't know. " Megan responded.

Bryce stopped drawing circles but her eyes never met Megan's. There was a thick silence for a moment before Bryce looked up at Megan and smiled. It was a soft smile, a smile that looked like warmth. Like her usual smirk, it was playful, but it also gave off a false sense of safety.

"You don't know." It came out as more of a statement then a question.

Bryce looked down at her hand, on Megan's thigh, and tip toed her fingers around them. "My girl was beautiful..." she started.

Megan's heart felt the familiar pain in her chest once again.

"I loved her, I truly thought she was everything..."

"What's your favorite movie?" Megan blurted out, interrupting the soft spoken girl.

"Didn't you wanna hear about-..." the smirk returned.

"I wanna know your favorite movie." Megan interrupted the girl once more.

"Why don't you wanna know about my girl?"

"Do you want to hear about mine?" Megan challenged

"So she's your girl?" Bryce questioned.

"No I just-.." Megan paused and starred at Bryce. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" Bryce smirked.

"Push people away like that. I just wanted to get to know more about you and you making it all weird."

"Who says I'm pushing you away?" Bryce moved her hand from Megan's thigh and leaned back.

  "Well you're not exactly letting me get to know you"

    "You haven't asked any relevant questions" Bryce leaned forward, breaking the gap between two of them.

"And what are relevant questions?" Megan challenged.

      "Why don't you wanna hear about my girl anymore?" A smirk played on Bryce's lips as she glanced down at Megan's lips then back up at her eyes.

"I just don't." Megan's breathe hitched at the girl's close proximity.

    "Is Megan...jealous" Bryce sat up so she could inch closer to Megan, causing her to lean back against the headboard.

"Pfft Jealous of what" Megan rolled her eyes.

    "So you don't mind if I tell you how tell you about the time me and her were all the cold...and we..." Bryce started, her words soft and slow, before she had been interrupted by Megan quickly standing up and moving away from her.

   Bryce busts out laughing while Megan tries to lower her blood pressure, she didn't even want to picture Bryce and whoever that girl may be, plus she couldn't handle Bryce being just inches away from her. After she controlled her breathing, the sight of a cackling Bryce only enraged Megan once more.

Picking up a pillow from her bed and repeatedly beating Bryce with it, Megan says "Oh you think that funny huh, so hilarious"

This only made Bryce laugh even more as she tries to reach for her pillow, as retaliation. Megan sees her reach for her pillow and wacks her arm while swiftly taking the pillow away, now hitting her with both.

   After a few more seconds of repeatedly smacking Bryce in the face, Megan stops "How would you like it if I just sat here and told you about all the times me and Ally kissed in the locker rooms before practice."

Bryce's loud laughter immediately stopped as the girl's body tensed in anger and annoyance, sending daggers directly into the brown haired girls eyes. The look was so intense it made Megan squirm, causing her to notice that she had some how gotten on top of Bryce and was straddling her at her hips. 

   "I don't find you funny and besides you asked me, it's not my fault your jealousy got the best of you." Bryce said without looking away from her eyes, seeming to be unphased by their current position.

   "I'm not jealous I just don't want to hear about your adventures with some random girl" Megan rolled her eyes and lifted her leg to move off of Bryce but was pushed back down.

   Bryce ran her fingers up Megan's thighs, causing a shiver to run up her spine "Random girl?" She questioned her usual playful smirk appearing "How come you don't want to hear"

Megan didn't know why she hated the thought of someone else being with Bryce but she knew she would never admit to be jealous. Wishing for this conversation to be over, and being the petty queen she is, Megan sighed and said something she hoped would get under the, cocky, girls skin. "Ya know me and Ally used to lay like this too just before we would-

   Megan's arrogant smirk has faded away quickly after Bryce gripped tightly on her thighs and flipping them over so that Bryce was now hovering over Megan. Megan's eyes widened at the action while Bryce's eyes were filled with hunger and rage.

   "I don't want to hear about Ally anymore got it." Bryce demanded

     Megan stayed quite and stared at Bryce, a small gold chain dangling from the girls neck. The urge to yank her down and devour her lips had almost taken over and just she opened her mouth to say something, the rattle of the door knob caused Megan to scamper from out under Bryce and into her own bed. Bryce's head hung low as she stayed in her exact position, missing the warmth that was once underneath her.

   When the door opened, Kacie stepped in with a confused look on her face. "What the fuck are you doing dude?"

"Yoga, I'm in my downward dog right now." Bryce laughs through the lie

   "Yea okay, come on I have to talk to you about something." Kacie glanced over at Megan, obviously not wanting to talk in front of her.

Without looking at the shook girl behind her, Bryce got up and walked into the hallway.

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