Chapter 3

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"Hi. Megan. I'm Mike, you're friends here wanna have a conversation, I'm here to facilitate that dialogue." A short, medium toned man, with curly hair, smiled at Megan.

"Is this intervention or something...?" Megan looked around confused.

"Why don't we sit down and make ourselves comfortable." The man chuckled.

"Uh-...okay I guess..." Megan glanced at an empty chair at the head of the circle, which she assumed was meant for her.

"Now, Priscilla, would you like to start the conversation?" The cheery man looked over at Megan's mom.

"Megan...we love you mija, we all do...but lately you've...well we know you've been having some impure thoughts...and ya know-" Megan's mom struggled to get out.

"Megan sabemos que eres una lesbian" Her father, Sofianne's, voice rumbled throughout the main floor of the home.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about" Megan gasped

"Megan, language" her horrified mother gasped.

"No, I'm sorry but I am not a lesbian" Megan stood up.

"Look Megan, I was once a gay and I didn't wanna recognize it either but with true directions I-" the curly haired man calmly began.

"Was this supposed to be like a gay intervention or something" Megan scowled as she looked around the room. "Oh my God, y'all, I'm not gay. I literally have a boyfriend."

"You don't even like to kiss me" Ryan whimpered.

"Wha-, I-, that doesn't mean I don't like MEN." Megan emphasized.

"You're always touching us, like constantly hugging us." Her friend Zoey added, pointing to her twin, Zuri.

"My love language could be physical touch" Megan scoffed.

Everyone started at Megan with such disappointment and disgust. It broke Megan's heart to see how everyone judged her in disapproval. Looking around the room she could only see everyone's eyes, but they didn't look like they were on her, they looked like they were staring at this terrifying monster that stood behind Megan.

"Alison, tell them. Tell them I don't like girls" Megan begged. She stared deep into her best friend's eyes, praying and pleading that she would somehow help her.

"'s a sin." Alison said softly

"Wha-" was all the, devastated, Megan could breath out.

"Megan, I know it's hard for you to come to terms with your homosexuality but your parents have brought me here so I can take you to a place that helps you get back on your true direction." The curly haired man smiled proudly.

"I'm not gay" Megan insisted.

"Then explain all the pictures of women you have in your room?" Her dad barked.

It was true she happened to have a large amount of posters with breathtakingly beautiful women on it but did that mean she liked women? Nah.

"You know those tiktoks you send me, they're literally only on gay tiktok" Zuri spoke up.

"Yea, you literally only send me videos of AG McDonald's" Zoey added.

"McDaniel" Alison corrected under her breathe, earning a confused look from Zoey.

"Um- you only have pictures of women in your locker" Alison deflected.

"Yea I think we've covered that" Megan rolled her eyes.

"Plus you only listen to, like, girl and red and you're constantly reading wattpad books with Lauren Jaguar" Ryan said, grabbing a brownie and munching on it.

"So liking indie music and quality content makes me gay now?" Megan questioned.

"Megan...mija, es por tu bien." Her mom could barely make out.

"What's for my own good, Mom" Megan stared at her with anger and confusion.

"Megan, tomorrow morning you're going to a nice place that'll take those disgusting thoughts out of your head" Megan's dad said plainly.

"What are you-, ARE YOU SENDING ME TO CONVERSION THERAPY!" Tears started forming in her eyes, this was a like a nightmare in real life.

"I'm not- I'm not gay, please" she chocked on her words.

"Then you should have no problem passing" her father got up from his seat and walked away.

"Haciendo que yo pase vergüenza porque esa culi caga quiere ir para el infierno coño" her father mumbled as he walked upstairs (translation: Having me go through all of this embarrassment because this dumbass wants to go to hell)

Everyone was left staring at a broken Megan as she sunk into her seat holding back the pools of tears that dared to be let out. The overwhelming feeling of judgement from those that she loved the most was almost too much to bare. Disappointing her catholic, Hispanic, parents was something she's always feared and here she was being accused of the most disapproved thing of all.

Was she really gay? Sure she had kissed Alison a few times and fantasized about her being in Bridgette Lundy-Paine's arms but those are things that everyone does. She wasn't a gay. She wasn't.

Yet she couldn't help but feel like, in some way, they might be right.

"Megan...we just want what's best for you. These thoughts you have...they-...they aren't normal and they're gonna help you become..." Her mom spoke up.

Without saying a word Megan simply stood up and walked to her room. There was no way she was going to conversion camp for something that wasn't even true.

Hey how are y'all doing?
I know that this chapter could be slightly triggering and I just want to say that, it's okay to love who ever the fuck you want. Don't live an unhappy life trying to please others even if it's your family. There are so many others who would be willing to love and care for the true you. I hope you have a good day today and if not there will always be tomorrow.

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