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A few days later, Aang and Katara walked back into their home after taking another long flight on Appa. They had decided to come back to the house early today since they had been adventuring out of the house quite a bit the past week and now Katara just felt like relaxing with Aang inside, but he had other plans.

Before the party last week, he had promised himself that he would make a trip to the spirit world to talk with Roku as soon as he could. However, Katara had told him during the party that she wasn't worried anymore and Aang had held the trip to the Spirit World off. He would always prefer to just spend the day with Katara then to go to that other realm and that is what he had been doing. At Katara's suggestion to head in early though, he couldn't help but think that if there was going to be a time to go, this was it. Besides, he was the Avatar, checking up on the world was one of his duties and just because he wasn't needed at the moment it wasn't something that he should neglect. He just wanted to make sure Katara would be okay with it. He was certain that when she had made the suggestion to come back, she wasn't thinking that she would be left alone for hours while Aang was gone.

He felt a tug on his hand when he realized that Katara had begun to led him over to the couch but he quickly stopped them both causing Katara to turn back to him.

"What is it?" She asked with concern in her eyes.

Aang looked to the side a little regretfully, "I was just thinking that I need to make a quick trip to the spirit world that's all."

"What?" Katara's eyes widened in alarm. She hated it when he went there. Ever since he had told her there was no bending in the spirit world, she would always be worried sick about him when he left. No bending would mean that he was defenseless, and if for whatever reason a spirit decided that they wanted to hurt him in any way, she was sure that they wouldn't have a problem in doing so.

"I just feel like that I need to check up on some things," Aang explained, looking back at her. He didn't want to tell her it was because of what she had been worried about, that might have just reminded her of it all, but unfortunately, Katara quickly caught on.

"This has to do with what I was worried about last week doesn't it?" she questioned crossing her arms.

Aang looked down to the ground, so much for not saying anything.

"Aang, you don't need to worry about me now. I haven't thought about that ever since the party," Katara told him.

Aang lifted his head back up, "I know, but as the Avatar it is my job to protect the world," he started, "I'm not needed right now but that doesn't mean I should just forget about it. The spirits watch over what happens in the world sometimes so I was just going to go talk to Roku. I won't be long."

Katara sighed and looked away from him before she felt his hand on her cheek.

"I'll be fine," he turned her head back towards him.

She reached up to remove his hand from her cheek but instead she kept it firm grasp on it, "I just worry about you when you go there," she told him earnestly, "If something happened, I wouldn't be there to help you."

"Well then it's a good thing nothing will happen then," Aang smiled jokingly, but frowned when his girlfriend let go of his hand and turned away from him in frustration.

"I'm not kidding Aang," her body tensed up and her fists clenched, "I'm serious!"

Seeing that she was a bit stressed out and frustrated, Aang walked slowly up to her to hug her from behind. He rested his head on her shoulder and nuzzled the crook of her neck, loving the feeling of her hair brushing against his face. She relaxed in his embrace, bringing her hands up to grasp the arms that were holding her around her stomach and they stayed quiet for a few moments as Aang waited to make sure she was calm.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now