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She was strong, Tau would give her that much, but he was the more experienced one. So truth be told, he wasn't all that worried anymore on whether he would win or not. Katara's attacks were just filled with rage and none of them seemed all that coordinated. She just threw stream after stream of water at him and he simple absorbed her strikes with his own ball of water. He was just playing defensive, which was all that he needed to do. He didn't have to beat her at all in the fight, he just needed to distract her for the next ten or so minutes it would take for the Yanari to be released. It amused him slightly that Katara didn't even appear to be concerned about the Yanari though, she was directing all of her energy to attacking him. He couldn't blame her after all that he had done to her but then again, that was part of his strategy against her. He wanted her to be completely focusing her anger on him and for her to simply forget about the sun stone. It wasn't often that his plans didn't go as he expected and this time was no exception.

He froze an ice wall in front of himself when she shot dozens of icicles at him before she charged at him once again slicing the water at him as she got closer. He ducked and jumped over the streams of water before he finally found an opening to attack in between her wild strikes. Right after he jumped to the side to avoid another stream of water, Tau shot a wave of water that was much bigger than her own straight at her. She was too focused in trying to attack him again that Katara didn't even see the wave coming and she was knocked backwards. She didn't let that slow her down though and right when she hit the ground she rolled back onto her feet and threw a large spear-like icicle at Tau. He simply waved his hand off to the side though, directing the icicle away from him and leading it to collide with the wall a couple dozen feet behind him.

"You know," Tau told her, smiling a little, "I wasn't really sure if that brainwashing would work on you till I actually used it," he paused before glancing at the Avatar's prone body at the other side of the massive room, "If he dies, I'll make sure to let everyone know who really killed the Avatar."

Katara was breathing heavily, glaring daggers at him as he calmly began to walk closer to her. She tried to ignore what he was saying. Aang was still alive, she could feel it, though she wasn't sure how much longer he would last without a proper healing...he did lose a lot of blood.

"I didn't think you had it in you," Tau continued, "Even if he does live...I find it hard to believe that he would trust you anymore after you just attempted to kill him."

"Shut Up!" Katara screamed at him, bending as much water as she could towards him.

Tau simply redirected it back at her and she once again took control over it only to have a much larger wave of water crash down upon her. Its impact forced her down to the ground and when she tried to get up, she was met with another wave that forced her back down again.

"I willing to bet that it was you that killed Ryu and Sorin," Tau snarled, bending some more water from the air as he eyed the young Waterbender that was struggling to get back up on her feet, "You are going to regret that."

He brought another wave of water down on her just as she got back up and she was unable to block it as it forced her back to the ground. She was weak, she didn't have that much energy left in her and Tau knew that she didn't have much fight left in her either.

"You and the Avatar just should have kept away from here," Tau growled at her, crashing another wave of water on top of her when he saw her trying to get up again, "What good were you expecting to do? You thought you had the strength to fight me after you're little trip in the desert?"

He sent another wave at her and this time she attempted to block it by raising her hand above her in an attempt to change the direction of the water. However, she only managed to redirect the front of the wave and the rest of the water was enough to keep her down on the ground.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now