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Katara gradually awoke to the soft feeling of someone's lips pressing against her forehead, then to the tip of her nose, then to her cheeks, and then finally, those soft pair of lips met her own. She relaxed into it, making no effort to break away nor did she try to take it any further. She just simply laid there on the bed, reveling in the comforting feeling of having her boyfriend hovering over her and his gentle lips slowly moving against hers. Her arms wound around him to hold him to her, and she sighed softly when he pulled away. Her eyes opened, seeing his grey, affectionate ones staring down at her.

"Happy Birthday," he whispered, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand.

Katara smiled and closed her eyes again, "Well it's off to a good start."

Aang laughed gently, before giving her another kiss on her forehead.

"What're we doing today?" she asked, opening her eyes back up to look at him curiously.

"The days all yours," he told her, brushing his hand through her hair, "What do you want to do?"

She was silent for a few moments as he waited patiently for her to answer, "We could...take Appa and go have a picnic somewhere outside the city?" she suggested, "To tell you the truth, I am starting to get a little tired of all the crowds. I think it would be nice to just have some peace and quiet for one afternoon."

Aang nodded, agreeably, "That sounds perfect. We should at least stop by and see your brother before we go though. I would think he'd want to see you at least a little bit today."

"Probably," Katara answered back, closing her eyes once again when Aang began to massage the back of her head with one of his hands.

Aang smiled down lovingly at her. Katara's breathing was slow and steady, her whole body relaxing under him. He could feel her hair over his hand, the long brown tresses spreading out around her and his free hand began toying with it; twirling it around his fingers and brushing it.

What Aang was doing felt incredibly good to her and Katara didn't want him to stop anytime soon. As if he were reading her mind, he didn't stop. Her continued for the next several minutes until she seemed content with getting up.

He got off of her, allowing her to sit up next to him, smiling "Okay, I think I'm ready to go now."

Aang rolled his eyes, answering sarcastically, "It only took half an hour."

"Hey," Katara leaned back on her hands, "You didn't have to keep doing that."

"You wanted me to," Aang shrugged, "And what Katara wants, Katara gets."

"Only because she has the most wonderful guy in the world to look out for her," Katara laughed, leaning forward to kiss his cheek affectionately, before adding quietly, "And I wouldn't want things any other way."

Aang's cheeks turned to a light pink color as he gave her a soft smile before standing up and walking over to the closet. He grabbed her green Earth Kingdom robe and tossed it to her. She caught it and gave him a 'thank you' before standing up to get dressed, tying the robe around her waist. She looked up to see Aang putting on his Avatar robes that he had been wearing more often recently, probably because they hadn't been doing anything strenuous.

He never liked wearing them while they were travelling, but one relaxing days like today; he would usually wear them, especially since Katara had once told him that she like him wearing his Avatar robes. She had told him they were soft and that if felt good to snuggle against them when he would hold her. He knew what she meant; he liked her Earth Kingdom robe for a similar reason.

Once he was all dressed, he saw that she had moved over to the mirror placed on the side of the room, trying to do her hair loopies. He also saw that she seemed to be struggling with it; which made sense. He was the one that often did her hair for her now in the mornings; she probably wasn't used to doing it anymore.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now