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"You guys what!"

Aang and Katara exchanged glances before looking at Sokka, who out of everyone else sitting on Appa's saddle, had been the most vocal about his feelings after Aang and Katara had told their story of what had happened to them during the past few days.

"Okay, I'll say it again so you can just get it in your head," Katara told him slowly; she was not in the mood to argue with anyone. Night had fallen and she was tired; she could feel that Aang was to. The last thing they needed was an argument about what had happened, "Aang and I almost starved to death."

Sokka's surprised, and somewhat angry expression, didn't change. Katara looked at the other two members on the saddle. Suki was glancing at her and Aang sympathetically and her dad looked like he wanted to say something but he was holding back.

Good, she thought, I don't want to deal with him anyway right now.

She knew she was being unfair to him but in her eyes, he had betrayed her. All of the things Tau had said about him had truth to it. On top of that, she felt her dad was as guilty as anyone about her mother's death. He was the one that led Tau to do what he did...it all started with Hakoda, and Katara wondered if he had known all along why Kya had died. Surely he had guessed it. Surely he had thought that Tau might have been the source that the Southern Raiders had. It confused her. On one hand, he was her father but on the other, he had kept a pretty big secret from her. What else was he hiding?

However, she came out of her spiraling thoughts when Sokka suddenly raised his voice at Aang.

"And you just let that happen?" the water tribe boy yelled, "You were supposed to be protecting her!"

Aang flinched back but didn't speak as he hung his head down in guilt. Katara suddenly couldn't take it anymore. She knew Aang was still feeling guilty about a lot of things, she was to, and they last thing they both needed were someone accusing them. She laid a comforting hand on Aang's shoulder before she turned to Sokka angrily.

"What right do you have of accusing him of anything? None of this was Aang's fault!" Katara yelled; she barely noticed that Suki and her dad seemed to be shifting around uncomfortably from her tone of voice, "At least Aang was there trying to help me! What were you doing! Sitting in Ba Sing Se and kissing Suki! You weren't helping anyone!"

That hurt. Sokka immediately backed down, glancing at his lap, not quite knowing what to say. Suki and Hakoda just looked around the saddle, wondering if they should intervene and Aang was just looking at Katara with a shocked look on his face.

Katara realized after she said it that what she had said had been harsh but she found that she could care less at the moment. As far as she was concerned, after what she and Aang had dealt with, she had every right to have a short temper. Besides, she had to stick up for Aang because she knew if she hadn't of said anything, then Aang would have agreed with what Sokka had said and that did not sit well with her. Their near death experience wasn't anyone's fault...well except for Tau's.

Sokka finally picked his head up, looking like he was about to speak when Suki placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't we go up and guide Appa?" she suggested, trying to separate the siblings before the small but harsh argument could go any further.

Sokka looked like he was going to deny her request but after a couple of moments he conceded and crawled up onto Appa's head with her.

Katara watched them go before glancing at her dad. He still looked like he wanted to say something but before he could; she turned her back to him and laid down, wanting to get some rest. A few moments later, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned her head to see Aang looking down at her in concern.

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