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Katara hopped off of Appa once the bison landed in the courtyard in front of King Kuei's palace.

Well, at least what used to be his palace, she reminded herself.

The rest of the group dismounted along with her, looking around at the empty space surrounding them. It was odd, usually they were greeted by crowds of people but right now there was no one in sight. The group exchanged confused glances and right when they were about to make their way into the palace, General Howe walked out of the entrance, followed by two soldier's behind him.

"Avatar Aang," he said once he reached the group, "Master Katara, Warrior Sokka, and Kyoshi Warrior Suki, I can't thank you enough for coming."

Howe bowed to them respectfully and the group bowed back in return.

"So General," Sokka said, "Where is everyone? Why is this place so empty?"

"Everything's fine," Howe assured, "We simply just didn't want crowds of people gathering here when you guys showed up. You understand. After...what happened, we are very nervous about letting people near the palace. We have the area sealed off for now, but that will change tomorrow."

"What's happening tomorrow?" Aang asked as him and Katara were both curious as to what Howe meant.

"We're having a service in honor of the late Earth King," Howe explained, "We have already had a quiet funeral for security purposes but we feel that the people of the city deserve to hear a few words about their King. It is also a good chance to assure them that everything is under control."

"Is everything under control," Katara asked skeptically, "Or is that just what you are going to say to assure people?"

"A little of both," Howe admitted smiling at her, impressed, "Things aren't as bad as we initially feared. There was some unrest in the city when the King's death was announced but luckily, the rest of the Council of Five and I have been able to keep order. We have control of the city as a collective group and it will stay that way until a suitable replacement to the King is found."

"How will you choose? Are there certain people that you are looking at to take Kuei's place?" Aang questioned.

"We are looking for people that are already involved with Ba Sing Se's government. Someone that knows how to run things and someone that is respectable," Howe answered, "It may take many weeks, maybe months, to come to a decision."

"So what can we do for you now," Suki asked, "We're here and we would like to help out if we could."

"For now there is nothing that we need you to do," Howe said, "As I said, we are having a service for the Earth King here tomorrow. A podium will be erected where we are standing right now and since you are here, I would like you all to join me and my fellow Generals up there. You won't have to give a speech or anything but I think people will take comfort in the fact that the world's heroes are in the city with them."

"We'll be there," Aang nodded towards him.

Howe nodded back, "In the meantime, you may do what you like. Would you like me to get you rooms to stay in the palace or would you prefer to just stay in your usual home in the upper ring?"

The group exchanged glances before Katara spoke up, "We'll just stay in our own house. It'll be more convenient for us."

Howe nodded, "I'll at least let my guards escort your bison to the stables. I'll see you all tomorrow."

As Howe turned to walk back into the palace, his two guards gently led Appa towards the stables after Aang pet his bison on the nose in a quick farewell. The group picked up their bags that they had taken off of Appa and made their way to their home in the upper ring of the city.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now