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Sokka paced back and forth through the living room in their Ba Sing Se home.

"I don't get it," he fretted as Suki watched his pacing from the couch she was lounging on, "It's been a whole day. Aang should have called us to come get him by now."

"Maybe he just needs a little more time," Suki suggested.

Sokka shook his head quickly in response, "It shouldn't be taking him this long. He even said it himself; a few hours at the most. If he needs more time it means that he's in trouble and that thought isn't particularly comforting."

"Sokka, Aang's the Avatar," Suki stated, "I think he could handle anything that could have happened once he got to the airship."

"But what about my sister," Sokka countered, "Those men kidnapped her for a reason and then they ask Aang to come and meet them. They're probably used her as a bargaining chip."

Suki became quiet after that, knowing that was very high possibility of what could have happened.

"And we both know Aang wouldn't risk Katara's life," Sokka continued, pacing a little quicker around the room, "If they threatened him with Katara then he would give in to what they say. What if they just simply killed him and used Katara as incentive for him not to fight back? They probably killed Katara after that to..."

"Sokka we don't know what happened, let's not jump to conclusions," Suki told him, "Especially if those are the conclusions that you are going to come up with."

"So...what?" Sokka questioned, finally stopping his pacing to look at her, "Are you telling me that you don't think they're in trouble?"

"I'm not saying they aren't; I'm just saying that we don't know yet," Suki answered, standing up from her spot on the couch to walk over to him, pulling him in a comforting embrace, "Look, I'm worried about them to, but right now there is nothing we can do. We already alerted General Howe and he sent a small search party out. Zuko and Bumi should be here tomorrow for those meetings in a few days. If we don't hear from Aang or Katara by then, then we'll worry, okay?"

"I'm worrying now," Sokka whispered, returning her embrace.

"I know you are," Suki told him softly, "But just try not to okay? You know Aang would do anything to make sure you sister is okay and he wouldn't go down without trying to defend himself. They'll be fine."

He breathed in a heavy sigh in response, "I know that he would but this is my sister and best friend we're talking about. It's hard not to worry..."

Suki nodded against his shoulder understandably, "They're my best friends to but it's not going to help either of us to just sit here and mope about it."

"Well what else is there to do?" Sokka questioned, "You said it yourself that there is nothing we can do to help them."

"Well for the time being...we could distract ourselves for the next couple of hours," Suki smiled against him.

"How?" Sokka furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion causing Suki to pull away and look at him mischievously.

"You know how," she said simply, before leaning forward to give him a soft peck on the lips and what she was suggesting finally dawned on Sokka as she continued, "We don't have anyone else here to interrupt us this time like Katara did when we were leaving Omashu. So you still want to sit here and mope or do you want to try some...experimenting."

Instead of answering with words Sokka answered by pulling her into a deep kiss, causing Suki to giggle to herself before she relaxed into it, sighing softly as they spent the next few hours in each other's arms; everything else forgotten.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now