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Will you two stop doing that?"

Aang broke eye contact from Katara to glance at Sokka briefly, "Stop doing what?" he said, before looking back at his girlfriend.

"Ugh, that," the older boy sighed, glaring at the two. What had started out as a peaceful morning for him had turned into a nightmare in his eyes. Taking Katara's advice from a few days before, Sokka had decided to write a letter to Suki and that was what he was trying to do now. Unfortunately for him, Aang and Katara had decided to come down and have breakfast right when he had started to write his letter. Sure, the two had finished their meal quick enough but they stayed sitting at the kitchen table doing...well...whatever they had been trying to do for the past few days ever since their anniversary. Sokka didn't understand it and it drove him crazy to be in the middle of whatever their staring contest was.

"I still don't know what you want us to stop doing," Aang told him, not breaking his gaze from Katara's.

Sokka stared at the two of them across the table, "The staring, the lovey-dovey looks....take your pick."

Neither one of the two younger teens seemed to hear him which caused Sokka hit his forehead in frustration before looking down at the paper next to him, trying to figure out what to write. He dipped his brush in an ink jar next to him so he could start writing but before he could do anything, he heard his sister speak up for the first time in a while.

"Content?" he heard her ask.

Sokka looked back up from his paper curiously to see her still staring at Aang, who nodded and hummed in approval. That exchange had Sokka looking back and forth at the two with a confused expression on his face, "Okay, I have been dealing with this for the past couple of days and I just can't take it anymore, so please just tell me what you two are doing? Honestly, it's freaking me out."

Katara finally broke eye contact with Aang and glared at her brother, "It's none of your business Sokka. If you don't like it then go somewhere else but whatever you do, just leave Aang and me alone!"

Before Sokka could respond, Aang spoke up to address his girlfriend, "Oh, I got it! You're angry."

Katara tilted her head towards him, "Annoyed, but good try though," she corrected before winking at him.

"Ugh, just forget it," Sokka grumbled before gathering his things to go up to his own room to write his letter.

Aang and Katara watched him go before Aang looked back at her speculatively, "Amused?" he guessed.

Katara smiled and turned back towards him, "Mmhm," she hummed, leaning forward to kiss his cheek.

Aang smiled back at her. Ever since they had completed their bond a few days ago, they had felt as though they were part of each other and like Roku had said; the most noticeable thing the bond did was enable them to feel each other's emotions. However, the thing that had surprised them the most was that it was a little harder to pinpoint what exactly those emotions were. Aang had thought it would be simple, he knew what his own emotions were easy enough, but there was something about having someone else's emotions in his conscience that made it a little harder to tell what it was. They were both already to the point where they could easily tell if the other was happy or sad, emotions that were polar opposites, but it was harder for them to figure out the more specific types of emotions: things like irritation and annoyance which could easily be confused as anger or things like excited and amused which could be confusing to distinguish from being happy. Those emotions are where they had a hard time telling what was what and that was what they had been working on for the past couple of days. To their excitement, they had been getting better at it and nine times out of ten, they were able to correctly identify what the other was feeling.

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