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"What're you going to do with him?"

General Howe turned his attention to Aang, who had asked the question. The Avatar had arrived back at Ba Sing Se just barely half an hour ago. At first Howe was going to have his guards arrest the Avatar and Katara but when he saw how battered they looked and when they revealed that they had Tau in custody with them, Howe decided against it. Instead, he welcomed them back, though he could tell that they weren't all that happy to see him. Still, he figured they could keep things respectable while they sorted recent events out in the middle of the courtyard in front of the palace.

"Tau will be taken care of," Howe answered Aang's question, "As you know, we converted Lake Laogai into a prison. He'll be taken there and believe me...he'll be there for a long time."

Aang and Katara looked off to the side where Tau was being led away by about half a dozen soldiers. Tau noticed them and glanced back. Katara wasn't sure if she was seeing things, but for a moment she could've sworn that she saw a look of respect flash across his face. Katara tilted her head towards him quizzically and he gave her a slight nod before the guards forced him to keep moving. She watched him go until he was out of site before turning back to Aang and Howe.

"Did you see that?" she asked Aang.

Aang nodded and shrugged, "You beat him, maybe he just respects you more now that you did that...as weird as that may sound."

"I guess," Katara said, curiously glancing back to where she had last seen Tau.

"We'll keep a close eye on him," Howe assured, "In the mean time, I thought you should know that we have a good idea on who Kuei's successor will be."

"Really?" Aang raised his eyebrows, "Who?"

Howe nodded, "He was one of Kuei's top advisor's after the war. He has what it takes to lead. His name is Tetsu. He is the most likely candidate and hopefully we can have a coronation in about a month or so."

"We'll stay here until then," Aang told him.

"That's all I ask for," Howe said and began to turn to leave before turning back, "And for what it's worth...you two did good."

Aang and Katara watched him go before she rolled her eyes, "Can you believe him? He treats us like trash and then he just plays nice?"

Aang merely shrugged and glanced at her, "At least he's willing to listen to us again."

"Yeah," Katara crossed her arms, "Well I'm not sure how much I'm willing to listen to him."

Aang sighed, "So there's a divide between him and us now. That's okay...we just can't let that affect other people. We need to work together, whether we like it or not."

"Well I'm sure the rest of the Council of Five is not too happy about it either," Katara stated, "They're probably still resentful at us as well."

"Then the feeling is mutual I guess," Aang smirked at her, "I..."


The couple turned to see Sokka and Suki running up to them.

"I mean, what where you two thinking!" Sokka continued once he reached them and then he jabbed a finger sharply into Aang's chest, "And if you just run off with my sister again then..."

"Sokka can't you just say you're glad we're all right and leave it at that," Katara stepped between him and Aang."

"Just let him rant," Suki jumped in, "He wouldn't shut up ever since you two left."

Sokka gave her an exasperated look before turning back to the couple in front of him, "Okay fine...look, I'm just saying that it would be nice to give us a heads up next time," he paused before giving Aang and Katara a hug, before pulling away from them again, "But I'm glad you're okay...though I guess you could look a little better."

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now