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It had taken them another couple of weeks but they had finally arrived at Omashu. Tau and his two companions dismounted the wagon, which was being pulled by a few Ostrich Horses, that they had been riding in for the past couple of days. They had gotten it by hiring someone where they had made port to take them to Omashu. Tau and Ryu waited while Sorin paid the driver of the wagon, before finally turning to walk down the walkway that would lead them into the city gates. As they walked down the path, Tau noticed a large platform to his right that was jutting out from the top of the wall surrounding the city and it appeared to be holding three Fire Nation Airships.

"I wonder what they have those there for."

Sorin and Ryu turned to see what their leader was looking at.

"They must be having some political meeting," Ryu guessed.

The group then remained silent as they reached the massive doorway that would allow them into the city. There were few people standing at the entrance as guards and just as what happened at the Northern Watertribe, the group of three was halted.

"State your business here," one of the guards said as the other guards stood in a defensive Earth bending stance.

Tau held up his hands in front of him as a sign of peace, "We just have some friends that we would like to visit inside of the city," he lied calmly, "we were only planning on staying for a day or two."

"What are the names of your friends?" the guard crossed his arms.

"Wang Bersing and his wife, Shiala," Tau said, making up the names quickly.

The guard eyed him speculatively, "We are going to have to check you and your companion's belongings."

"As you can see we don't really have all that much," Tau responded, gesturing to a couple of small pouches that Sorin was carrying, which only held some money, "But do what you need to do."

The guard made a waving type motion and a couple of other guards walked over and began to search the pouches. One thing Tau noticed though is that they seemed to be a lot more careful and detailed in the search then they had used to be when Tau had been here before his capture.

"Is there a reason for having such tight security?" Tau turned to look back at the guard that had been questioning them.

"Fire Lord Zuko is meeting here with King Bumi over some trade agreements," he explained, "I know it is inconvenient but we have to tighten up security to keep everyone safe when there are big political gatherings going on. You never know when some assassin will attempt to get inside the city."

That explains why the three airships are here, Tau thought.

"However it is," the guard continued after the other guards seemed satisfied, "you are clear to come through."

The guards moved out of the way as Tau, Sorin, and Ryu walked through the big earthen door that was opening at its sides. Tau looked up to see that there were a few Earth benders that stood at the top of the massive wall of the city and saw that they were the ones opening it. Once they cleared the door, it closed behind them and they were now free to roam the city.

They walked around for a little while before Tau stopped, "Ryu?"

The Earthbender halted and turned to face Tau.

"You probably know how this city works better then Sorin and I right?"

Ryu nodded, knowing what Tau was going ask him next, "I haven't been here before but as I have said, I used to be well informed. The archives are this way, follow me."

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