Chapter 2 | Moving in

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Tom's POV
I opened the door accidentally hitting Matt in the face with the door and he fell over. "Ow my face!" Matt said as he put his hand on his face. "Edd is my face okay?" Matt added. "Yeah it's fine" Edd said "Oh Tom I got to tell you something" Edd added but I ignored him and went upstairs. While I was walking, I was looking at the bottle thinking about her hands touching mine but suddenly I bumped into something or someone... "Hello old friend" a familiar voice said and I looked up widening my eyes. "Tord?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled at him. "Uhh yeah that's what I'm going to tell you Tom, Tord is back and he wants his room back" Edd said behind me. "What?! Edd?!" I yelled at him. "You can go back to your old room" Edd said. "But you turned my room into a swimming pool" I replied. "Why don't you sleep on this sofa" Tord said as he threw a little device at me and it turned into a chair. "Haeh! Classic Stupid Tom!" Tord laughed as Edd and Matt laughed with him. I growled in anger and went outside without a word.

"Wow he looks happy" Eduardo said sarcastically. "I don't think he's happy at all, in fact he looks kind of angr- I wish you were dead!" Jon was cut off by Eduardo.

I sat on a bench in the park for hours. "Great now that fucking commie is back! Ugh!" I said. Hours went by and I slept on the park bench.

---Time skip---

I woke up from the sunlight and opened my phone to see spam messages and missed calls from Edd. I read the messages.

Edd: Tom where are you???

Edd: Tom Im getting worried pls come back

Edd: Tom I came to the bar to pick you up but you weren't there where are you?!

Edd: Tom Come back pls!

Edd: Tom pls

Edd: Tom where the hell are you?!

I sighed at the messages and went to the grocery store. I went to the vodka aisle and took more Smirnoff than usual. And went to the counter. "Uhh why is there more than you usually buy?" (Y/n) asked. "Nothing..." i replied looking down. She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Whats wrong?" She asked. I sighed. "My old roommate went back and took my room yesterday so I don't have any place to stay and I don't have enough money to afford a house. "Where did you sleep last night?" She asked. "A park bench" I said. "You poor thing, well I have an extra room in my apartment" she said at me with a smile. "Umm is it okay for you?" Yeah my apartment is always empty, I can enjoy some company" she said. "Thank you" i smiled as she gave me the alcohol. "Pack your bags and come back here at 7" she said and I nodded.

I went back to the house opening the door. "TOM!!!" Edd shouted as he hugged me. "Where have you been?! I've been so worried" Edd said acting like a mom. "At the park" I said and Tord chuckled from the couch. "Anyways I've found a new place so im packing my bags" I said. "Finally! Jehova is moving!" Tord said. I growled at him and went upstairs. "Where are you moving?" Edd said as he followed me upstairs to my room. "Well there was this girl- A GIRL?!?!" Edd cut me off by screaming. "Tom you didn't tell me you have a girlfriend!" Edd said. "No she's not my girlfriend! She's my new roommate." I said in an annoyed tone while packing. "Heheh ok" Edd smirked. "A girl huh?" Tord said standing on the doorway. "She's none of your business so goodbye" I said as I finished packing pushing Tord aside and went outside. "Goodbye Tom" Edd said. "We'll never forget you Tom" Matt said. "Jeez im just gonna live in an apartment, we can still see each other" I said as I walked away. "Woohoo!" Tord shouted happily as I walk off.

---Time skip at 7 pm---

It was early of her to go home from work while I was waiting outside the store. "Come" (y/n) said as I followed her to the parking lot and I put my bags in the back of the car. And sat in the back seat and we drove off.

"So Tom who are your roommates anyway?" She asked. "Well there was Edd Matt and that fucking commie who stole my room." I said in an annoyed tone. "Oh... well I didn't get to meet them though" she said. "Well you can meet them tomorrow?" I said in an unsure tone. "Tomorrow is perfect, It's Saturday tomorrow so I don't need to work" she said. Great I hope that Tord won't try to hurt her...

We arrived to her apartment and I went to my new room to unpack stuff. I then get startled by an animal walking towards me. It was a tiny dog. (A/N if you're allergic to dogs change it to a cat instead). "(Pet/name)! I got treats!" (Y/n) yelled as the dog ran into the kitchen. I went into the living room taking my bottles and sat on the sofa and I started drinking.

Your POV
I fed (p/n) and I walked in the living room to see Tom drinking. I shrugged it off and went outside. "Im off to buy dinner do you want anything?" I said as Tom nodded. "Can I *hic* have your *hic* ass?" Tom said as he blushed from the vodka.(A/N Shit the cringe). "Uhhh what?!" I said as I blushed but I shrugged it off since he was just drunk.
I went outside and went in my car. I drove to get some dinner from a pizza place.

Tord's POV
I painted back my walls into red since that Jehovah's witness painted it to blue. Ugh why does he have to do this. I then saw some of his stuff under the bed. I guess he forgot to bring these. I started cleaning my room until I saw his diary. I turned my head from left to right and started reading his diary. I started reading one of his latest ones.

Dear Diary

I saw this new girl at the grocery store today... she was awkward when I'm around her. I guess she likes me? Well I like her. I hope we get to know each other better.


I started laughing and cringing very hard. Oh wow why did he need to write that. I started laughing really hard until I stopped from Edd yelling in the kitchen. "Dinner is ready!" Edd yelled as I went into the kitchen.

A/N aaaaaaand im cringing again you're welcome.

1156 words total :P

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