Chapter 9 | Gas Station

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I started the car and drove our way back to the apartment.


The drive home was silent. The fuel gauge was blinking. I parked to a nearby gas station with a 24/7 mini-mart from a highway. You went out the car and started filling up the fuel tank.

"(Y/n)? You've been really silent lately, is there something wrong?" Tom asked as he gets out of the car. I didn't answer.

"(Y/n) something is clearly wrong, you're not that silent before" Tom said.

"You know what? I just need some space for a bit" I said as I finish filling up the fuel tank.

Us two got back in the car and I parked it at the mini-mart's parking lot.

"Why don't you stay in the car? Imma just go and buy chips and stuff for a bit okay?" I said.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tom asked.

"I'm fine Tom, I think I'm just a bit hungry." I replied.

"Okay.." Tom said. I closed the door and walked inside the store. (A/n) I swear, that accidentally rhymed.

As I walk in, I notice a couple of teenagers probably around 15 to 17. They were pointing at my car.

"Is that Tom?", "Who?", "Tom, ya know, his band nickname is DarkSquidge", "You mean that new member from BeatDroppers?", "Ew you two listen to Ska music?", "Shut up Aubrey, let's go meet him", "I thought we were here to steal bags of chips-" The three teens said and went outside the store.

Tom's POV (Meanwhile)

After (Y/n) went outside the car, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my Instagram and seeing so many users tagging me. I checked some of the posts with my tag on it and randomly pressed one by one.

"Hey there my followers! I made a song based on DarkSquidge's solo from BeatDroppers"

"Hey everyone! I'm here for another makeup tutorial! I'm doing another member from BeatDroppers! This time, It's based in DarkSquidge's signature patterns on his clothes!"

"I just saw DarkSquidge backstage! Im so glad I have backstage pas- No you dont-"

"Calling BeatDroppers at 3AM gone wrong!"

I heard a knock on the car window. I turned to look around and saw three teenagers, one of them looked like they didn't want to be there. I rolled down the car window.

"Do you three need anything?" I asked them.

"Uhhh, y-yes. Aubrey you tell him!" One of the girls said while pushing one of them to get a bit closer.

"Oh yeah uh, Can you give these two idiots a selfie with you or an autograph or something? They wont stop dragging me around" The girl named Aubrey said.

"Aubrey don't embarrass us in front of him!" The other one said. Aubrey chuckled.

"Chill Brie, You two embarrassed me in front of the school counselors once, so this is kind of a fair game right?" Aubrey said.

I sigh. "Okay, let's take a selfie"

I got out of the car and the one named "Aubrey" pulled out her phone and took a photo of me and the other two girls.

"Oh my gosh, I look fabulous here! Kel, look at this!" Brie says.

"Yeah you two look pretty, now let's go" Aubrey says sarcastically and grabs the two of them and about to walk along the road.

"But I haven't bought my smoothie yet!"
"Guys it's passed curfew, we might end up in jail." I heard them from a distance.

I came back inside the car. After a few minutes (Y/n) came back and started the car.

"...(Y/n)?" I asked her, but she didn't answer.

"Is there something wrong..?" I asked her once again.

She sighs.

"Tom, have you ever thought of leaving me? Just to be with someone better than me?" She asks with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"What are you talking about, of course I won't leave you! Why did you think about me leaving you?" I replied.

"It's because.. Those fans back in the concert, they wanted to marry you.. But you literally just joined the band!" She turns her head to me.

"(Y/n), eyes on the road" I said. She turns her head back to the road.

"(Y/n) look, those are just fangirls, they can cry about me all they want but they can never date me because I already have you" I added.

"Thanks, Tom" She smiles.

The drive back home was silent after that but at least I know what her problem is.


A/N Hey there everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating this story after so many months, but hey, I finally updated it! I hope you guys don't hate me haha-

Also I noticed this story has reached 4.00k+ reads! It's crazy! Thank you guys so much!
See you guys on the next chapter!

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