Chapter 13 | Paranoid

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[Edd's POV]

"Edd you can't leave me alone here with Matt!" Tord pleaded.

"Calm down I'm just gonna buy some groceries at the store. Matt's not gonna kill you" I said.

Matt got out of his room ignoring Tord and went to the kitchen.

Tord grabbed my shoulder and shook me.


I took his hand off my shoulder and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Fine you can come"

We both walk outside and saw a girl we don't recognize and pushed me and Tord aside.

"Out of the way losers" She said.

She went in front of Y/N and Tom's apartment. She looked like she was spying.

"What a bitch" I mumbled.

Me and Tord exited the apartment and walked our way to the grocery store. We could've took the car to be much faster but Tord here needs more time to avoid Matt because Matt still didn't get over of what happened. Not just punching his face, but literally blowing up the house.

"Tord?" I started.

"I thought you and Matt were best friends, what happened?" I added.

Tord looks at me confused because I was there when the incident happened.

"No I meant, You and Matt always forgive each other easily, now you think Matt's going to kill you?" I asked.

"I don't know! But you still gotta believe me, He's been giving me death glares and acting all threatening without even talking to me!" Tord says.

I'm still not believing the fact that Matt's gonna kill Tord. Me, Matt and Tom has changed over the years, I think Tord still thinks we have our old personalities.

Well- I'd still beat the shit out of someone if they blow up my stuff so I guess that makes sense why he's scared.

Ever since Tord left, Matt has no one to hang out with when I do my own thing without going on "Eddventures". Tom doesn't really consider Matt and Tord as a friend so Matt decides to rely on his face more so he could at least have a girlfriend. And oh man he sure does like taking pictures of himself.

He did have a girlfriend twice, but they left after having a first date with Matt.

As we walk to the grocery store, we still see some wanted posters of Tord. Tord puts his hood up and puts his hand in his hoodie pocket. He's lucky no one recognizes him even with or without his right arm because no one knew what he looked like after the robot exploded. He only needed to cover his hair and walk around like the government isn't after him. They probably think he's dead anyway.

We walk to the grocery store and see Y/N on the cashier counter. She sees us and waves. Me and Tord waved back and we continue buying our groceries.

"Tord, do you wanna buy something?" I ask him.

"I don't have money"

"Don't worry, I'll let you have some of mine. But you better pay them back"


"Do you wanna stick with me?"

"I'm a man, Edd. I can buy stuff on my own"

"No I mean, what if you get caught? Some people were eyeing you because of the bandages on your face and your missing arm"

"I don't give a fuck"

I put my hands in the air to act like I'm surrendering.

"Alright then, meet me at Y/N's counter and I'll pay for your stuff"


-Time skip-

I walk to the counter and see Tord already lining up, I went beside him.

I saw he just bought a pack of cigars, some chips and a magazine.(A/N: No not that kind of magazine dumbass).

I look at the girl who lined in front of us talking to Y/N. She doesn't even look like she was buying anything.

"You know, your "Boyfriend" is cheating on you" The girl said.

"And how would you know that? You don't even personally know me OR him" Y/N argued back.

Oh god if they keep this up Y/N's gonna end up getting fired.

I tapped the girl's shoulder. She looks at me. She rolls her eyes and leaves the store.

Me and Tord put our groceries at the counter.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Some bitchy fangirl trying to convince me so I could break up with Tom. I'm not stupid" Y/N replied.

-Time skip-

[Matt's POV] (A/N: Holy shit a new POV)

I was flicking through the channels on tv. There was nothing good to watch so I was very bored. I message my online girlfriend.


Matt: hey girl u busy?

Amy: ya
Amy: still working at the store with my best friend because we took weekend shifts
Amy: i hope we can finally meet in person for our first date tmrw!!

Matt: haha yeah
Matt: luv u! ❤️

Amy: 😘

I put down my phone. I sigh at the memories my past girlfriends leaving me during our first dates. Well, you know what they say, "Third time's a charm!"

I then heard the door open and saw Edd and Tord come in.

[Tord's POV]

I walk in with Edd and saw Matt glaring at me again.

I took my stuff and quickly ran up to the guest room which is now my room.

"Great. The government is after me, a ghost is haunting me, And now my best friend hates me!" I lie down.

It's like the world hates me for the stuff I was forced to do.

"And it's all my Father's fault!" I cover my face with a pillow.

"How am I going to fix this.."

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