Chapter 8 | The Concert

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Tom's POV
I was shaking while getting ready. Im so nervous because it's my first time being in a concert... On The Stage! I wore a white polo, a checkered tie, black pants and checkered bracelets. I went out my room with an excited Y/n ran up to me and hugged me. "How do I look?" I nervously smiled. "You look awesome! Oh! But one more thing" Y/n said pulling something from her pocket. "Tada!" She smiled giving me something. It was a silver ring with the words 'Tom + Y/n' written on. "Happy anniversary Tommy!" She cheered. I smiled and hugged her. "I love it! Thank you so much Y/n!" I exclaimed. I looked at my watch. It was almost concert time. "Lets go, we don't wanna be late" I said letting go and she nodded. We all rushed down the apartment building and went outside. We rushed to her car. Y/n started the engine and we drove off. Its funny because she still doesn't trust me with her car yet but it's okay with me. While we were driving, I was nervously shaking which interrupted Y/n from driving. "Tom is something wrong?" She asked. "What? Wrong? Pffff- why would you think of tha-at eheh..." I nervously stuttered. "Is Tommy nervous?" She playfully smiled. I nodded smiling awkwardly. "Awe come on Tom I know you know that you can't lie to me, you're a bad liar" she playfully said. I playfully punch her arm.

-------Two minutes later-------

Your POV
We arrived at the concert and I parked the car in the parking lot. There was already a lot of people screaming. We went to the backstage entrance but a guard blocked us. "Oh I'm Tom, I'm the guest performer?" Tom said. "You can go in" the guard said. I walked with Tom but the guard blocked me out. "Not you" he said harshly. I guess im going in the crowd then. I bought a ticket and got in. I slowly walked to the front trying not to bump people as they scream on he top of their lungs. I kept covering my ears and made it to the very front.

Tom's POV
I didn't see Y/n behind me so I guess she went the other way. I saw a bunch of people getting ready for the concert. Well time to meet the band. I approached the one trying to sing. "Hi-Oh why hello there! I'm Derek! Nice to meet ya!" Derek cut me off and shook my hand. "Im Tom nice to meet you too" I smiled. I approached the one wiping his bass with a cloth. "Hi I'm Tom" I smiled putting my hand out so he can shake my hand. "Brock" he said and continued cleaning his bass. I guess he's the rude one in the band. I then approach two people. One of them setting up their drum kit and one setting up their keyboard. Before I could say hi, they already did it. "Ah! Tom! You must be the winner of the audition! Glad you to be in the band!" The one setting up their drum kit said. "Im Greg by the way and this is Jeremy" Greg said pointing to Jeremy. "Okay show time in 5" the man with a schedule list said. I took my bass Susan from her case. "What a cheap bass you have" Brock said as he chuckled. I shrugged it off. We got into place and the floor went up the stage like an elevator. "Hello everyone!" Derek said in the microphone. "We have a very special new member to our band!" Derek added as the crowd cheers more. Derek gave me a signal to go near him so I went next to him. "Hey I'm Tom!" I smiled and went back to my place where I was standing. I knew what song we're going to play so we started playing music as the crowd cheers.

Your POV
Many people were screaming and bumping me around. And then I heard a girl scream that made me furious. "Wooooo Marry Me Tom!" One girl said in the crowd. I got mad and went outside and went to the car. I didn't bother listening to the song they're playing or the crowd. I opened a bag of chips and waited for Tom in the car.

----------Time skip----------

Tom's POV
I finished playing my bass and went backstage. "Well that was fun, see you next concert guys!" I waved a hand at them while exiting backstage to go to the car. "Thomas wait-" Greg said. I was surrounded by a paparazzi, fans and news reporters. Oh God. "Sir what is your experience during your very first concert?" A news lady asked me. "Uhhh...I..uhhhhh" I stuttered and looked behind me. I mouthed one of them 'help me' and they told a guard to help me. The guard pushed them away and two more guards came to put a barricade around us. "I need to go back to the car, mind helping me?" I asked the guard and he nodded. I walked to the parking lot as the guard followed behind me. I went to Y/n's car and realized Y/n was already in the car looking... mad? I knocked on the windshield and Y/n turned her head and unlocked the passenger seat door. "Oh Y/n I thought you were still in the concert, why are you here early?" I asked. "I don't wanna talk about it" She said as she rolled her eyes and started the car. The whole ride home was silent. Y/n started to break the silence. "So Tom, how was your first concert for you?" She asked me. "It was fine I guess" I replied. "What do you mean?" She asked again. "One of the band members thinks that I don't belong there" I said.

Your POV
'I hope you don't...' I mumbled. "Hmm?" Tom hummed. "Oh umm nothing" I said. "Okay..." Tom replied.

A/N hey guys this chapter might be shorter than the last one :v im busy with school and life stuff so Im gonna be updating this like uhhh every weekend? If i could tho ._. Author Chan out!

1008 words total :v

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