Chapter 6 | Movie Night

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4:38 PM

Edd's POV
It's been a week since Tom moved out of the house and he started dating (y/n). There have been less stuff going on without him around here.
Tord has been acting strange... and Matt is uhh making out with his reflection as usual. I sat on the couch watching the tele for hours and I was getting bored. I suddenly got a phone call from Tom.



Hey Edd how are you?

Im fine, why are you calling me?

Well (y/n) and I found a movie you guys might want to see.

Wait really? What movie is it?

Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell IV!

Cool! Im coming! (Please because it's so boring in here)

Heh okay...

What time should we meet you at the movie theater?

Uhh wait a minute im asking (y/n)
(hey uh y/n Edd is asking what time should we meet them... oh okay)

She said around 7 is that okay for you?

Yes please!

He hung up and I put the phone down. "Guys we're going to watch a movie later" I said to Tord and Matt. "Ooooh what kind of movie" Matt said with curiosity. "Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell IV!" I said. "Ok I'm in" Tord said.

Tom's POV
(Y/n) went out to work from her break while I sit in the living room watching the tele while petting (p/n) on my lap.
I took out my phone as I look at the time. *sigh* 3 more hours I guess...

Your POV
I went back to my counter and took care with a very very long line. After an hour of working I sat back and wiped my sweat with my arm. "So how was you and Tom?" Amy asked me. "Well..." I said rolling my eyes towards her. "We're dating now" I added. She was surprised and happy at the same time. Every time we talk her face looks like an emoji. "So Living Emoji did you get your paycheck yet?" I asked Amy. "No not yet, you?" She asked back. "No I haven't got mine either" I replied. "I thought It was payday? Weird..." Amy said. We continue working until it was 6. "Bye Amy see you tomorrow!" I said. "Bye!" Amy said as she waved at me from the store entrance while I get in my car.

I drove back to my apartment and saw Tom sleeping with (p/n) on his lap. "Tom? Wake up" I said softly. He still didn't wake up. "Tom? Wake up I'm back" I said again softly gently shaking him. His eyes fluttered open.
"Oh hey (y/n)! You're back!" He said. I giggled. I picked up (p/n) and took them to the kitchen. "Guess what mommy brought you?~" I said as (p/n) is excited. I took out a new squeaky toy from my pocket and threw it across the room as (p/n) played fetch with it. Tom walked in the room and laughed that (p/n) being clumsy as ever, accidentally ran to the wall and bumped.
Tom kneeled to (p/n) and pet them. "Who's a good dog? Who's a good doggy?" Tom said scratching behind (p/n)'s ear. He became more lovable since he got here which is good..?

"C'mon Tom lets go in the car, I think Edd and the others are waiting for us" I said. Tom walked to the door as I threw a pet treat towards (p/n)'s mouth and they ate it. I closed the door and went downstairs. Me and Tom went in the car and drove to the movie theater.
Edd, Matt and Tord were there patiently waiting for us. I parked the car as Tom got out. I soon got out of the car and bought 4 popcorn boxes while Tom bought the tickets and went inside the movie we chose.

I sat next to Tom and Matt and Edd is between Matt and Tord. We watched the movie and Me and Matt were already jumpy when the jumpscares occurred in the movie while Tom laughed.
"You shall not pass" the movie said and Matt suddenly laughed. Me,Tom,Tord and Edd looked at him in confusion. "Whats so funny?" Tom asked. "I don't get it?" Matt said as he stopped laughing and make a confused face. "Uhhmmm okay?" I said.
An idea struck in my mind. I started to whisper in Tom's ear. 'Hey Tom Let's go to the very back of the seats and throw popcorn at people' I whispered. "Too late Edd and Matt is already doing that" He replied. "Wait what?" I said. Edd and Matt jumped from behind us and threw popcorn at us. "Aaaaah!" I laughed while people are shushing us. Edd and Matt went to the other side and threw popcorn at some other people. I laughed at Tom. "Whats wrong?" He asked me. "You have popcorn on your hair" I continued laughing as I take the popcorn from his hair and ate it. Tord looked at us and rolled his eyes back to the movie. Suddenly Tord's phone went off and he went to the bathroom. There was another jumpscare in the movie and I hugged Tom. He pat my back. "Don't worry (y/n) im here" Tom said.
It was the end of the movie and we all got outside waiting for Tord.

Tom's POV
We all waited for Tord so we can leave but he still never came back. "Ummm Tom should you go check Tord in the bathroom?" Edd said. "Why don't YOU do it" I replied. "I can't because if I go in the bathroom Matt follows me and stare at the mirror for hours which will take us more time" Edd said.
"Fine" I said in an annoyed tone.

I went in the bathroom. I saw Tord still talking to his phone. "No no no I will do it tomorrow to get this done!... What?! No! I have something I left behind which can help us to take over th- Tord?" I cut off Tord. "I'll call you back later" Tord said on the phone with an annoyed tone. "Ugh what now" Tord added. I rolled my 'eyes' and went outside. He eventually followed. Me and (y/n) went in her car as Edd, Matt and Tord went in Edd's car. We drove off in separate ways to go back home.

While (y/n) was driving I leaned next to the window and think. Tord is being a little suspicious I knew it! He's been never like this mysterious than before. He's hiding something, I can feel it!... I think so, I should go visit Edd tomorrow to make sure nothing is going on...

A/N Hello my little Geeks and peeps! My explainers and entertainers! My little oo-da-lallies Author chan here! I hope you enjoyed my story! Also this is cliffhanger btw thanks!

1169 words total :3

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