Chapter 7 | Old Friends

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Your POV
As I was driving in my car to go to work, I dropped Tom at Edd's house. He waved at me and I waved at him goodbye. I drove to the grocery store where I usually work and saw a bunch of old people waiting outside the store since the store was closed till 8 A.M. Then I remembered, SENIORS SHOPPING DAY!! (A/N heh... I was actually Inspired by loud house). Oh no I gotta hurry! These old people are cranky when someone is too slow for them when they ask you something. Well that's what Amelia told me. I drove to the back parking lot and parked my car. I rushed to the back door and went to my cashier counter.

One of my coworkers took a deep breath and yelled. "Let them in!" They said and unlocked the doors. Old people then flooded the grocery store. I took a deep breath. This is gonna be a long day.

Tom's POV
I was sitting on the couch with Matt and Edd watching a movie.
"Wheres Tord? Isn't this is favorite movie?" Matt asked chewing his popcorn. "I should go get him, God knows what could he be doing in his room" Edd said.

Tord's POV
"Finally the world will be mine in a press of a button! I can finally rule the world!" I said as I started to laugh evilly. "Hey Tord" Edd suddenly popped in the room. "Oh errr hey Edd this is uhh" I said looking around and picked up a random sock at the ground and a clothes basket. Edd looked at me confused. "Errrrrr... Laundry room eheh..." I said awkwardly smiling. "Okay..? Oh look buttons!" Edd screamed which made Matt come in the room. "Did someone say buttons? I LOVE BUTTONS!" Matt screeched. They both push random buttons around the room.

Tom's POV
Edd and Matt left the room after mentioning the word 'Buttons' while I continued watching the movie. I turned my head, next to me was a bowl of popcorn. I looked around the room to make sure Edd wasn't in the room. I took his popcorn bowl and ate popcorn. "My Face..." I heard Matt mumbled from upstairs. Eh, Matt must've hit his face on the wall or something. Soon after. Edd,Matt and Tord went downstairs. "Tom you coming?" Tord asked. "Where are you guys going?" I asked. "To the grocery store" he replied. I looked over to Matt with a black eye. "What happened to Matt?" I asked curiously. "Tord punched Matt in the face" Edd replied. "Uhhh no thanks but if it means meeting my girlfriend there then I'm coming then" I said standing up.

-------Time skip-------

We arrived at the grocery store. We were about to go inside but one of the workers there immediately closed the doors. He turned the Open sign and made it a Closed sign. He shook his head no. His face looked like he just went out of a horror movie walkthrough. Me, Edd, Matt and Tord waited there. "Hey uhh Edd I gotta go for a bit" Tord asked Edd. "Why? Where are you going?" Edd asked him. "I errrr gotta go poop" Tord said. I let out a small chuckle hearing him say that. Tord ran off back to the house.

Your POV
Im already exhausted. There were Old people everywhere asking me to help them reach from the shelves and go back to my counter and count all their pennies. This day was Hell.

Tom's POV
It's been 20 minutes and they still hadn't open the grocery store yet. We decided to go in a mall which their stuff is way more expensive than a grocery store. I was bored walking and I saw a poster on a wall with Tord's picture on it. I took it and ran back to the house. I went to Tord's room and kicked down the door. "Tom...What are you doing here?" Tord asked. "Im gonna ask you the same thing. Why are you here?" I asked back. "Okay Alright I just came back here to something I left behind..." he grinned and pressed a button. A box like machine from the ceiling went down to his head. "My hat" He smiled like a baby. "What? What do you think I was going to do?" He asked me. "I- uhhhhh" I was so confused.

Your POV
It is finally lunchtime! The seniors are finally out of the grocery store. You went to the back with Amy. Amy looked like she woke up from a dumpster. There was a not so tiny but still tiny Television on the back of the building for security guards can enjoy watching their favorite show I guess. Me and Amy chatted and ate our lunch. Then the TV suddenly got interrupted.
There was a Giant robot on TV. And Edd and Matt was standing there pressing buttons. Their house was destroyed. It looked like someone exploded their house... SOMEONE EXPLODED THEIR HOUSE?! WHERES TOM?! I panicked and went to my car ignoring Amy's questions.

I sped to Edd's house and looked around for Tom. I saw the Giant robot already flying on the air hearing. "So long old friends!" It was Tord's voice. I was so confused of whats happening. I heard some ruffling on the rubble which used to be a house. "I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!" I heard an angry Tom shout and shoot out a harpoon. Where did he get that from? The harpoon shot through the robot and exploded. I turned my head and ran over to Tom. "Tom!! You're okay!" I ran towards him with tears on my eyes and hugged him. He hugged me back. He flinched when I accidentally touched his scar. "Well... guess we need a new place to live now" Edd sighed. "Well I know a place" I said to Edd.

-------1 year later-------

Edd and Matt are living in the same apartment building where me and Tom live. We are now neighbors. And well... were neighbors with uhhh Edd's old next door rival named Eduardo too.

Tom's POV
This is the best day of my life! I finally got approved to be in a band! And in a concert! I smiled so wide while i held the mail in my hands
"Babe? What do you have there?" Y/n asked me. "I finally got to be in a band!" I smiled. "Omg! Thats so cool! Im proud of you Tommy!" She said hugging me. "You even performed well in the auditions!" She added. I gave her a warm smile and hugged her back.

A/N hello my little oo-da-lallies! Im finally back! Eh... you probably don't miss me cuz you don't know me XD. Anyway its not the end yet lol. Im writing more chapters for this book. Im probably busy animating for my almost and probably dead channel too. Author chan out!💙

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