Chapter 12 | Bad News

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"Do you take pennies?" The old lady asked me.

"Sorry ma'am, I think you should ask my friend over there, I'm on break" I said as I continue walking to the storage room.

"Y/N!" Amelia yelled while slamming the storage door open and startled me.

"What's wrong? You seem to be in a rush" I said.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but.."

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and showed me something on her instagram.

It was a photo of Tom at the meet and greet table of him.. Kissing another girl..

I felt anger rush over me.

"Y/N, calm down, he probably doesn't mean that"

"The fuck do you mean he doesn't mean it? He fucking kissed this bitch who I don't even know!" I yelled.

I grab my stuff and walked to the back of the store.

"Uh Y/N, your break's almost over" Brandon said.

"Tell our manager I couldn't make it today because I caught a fever. I've got bigger fish to fry" I said as I continue walking.

"But Y/N! I'm not payed enough for this! You're not trying to get me fired aren't you!?" Brandon said from a distance as I get in my car.

"No I'm not! Trust me!" I said and I started my car, driving back to my apartment.

-Time skip-

[Tom's POV]

I got off the taxi and walk back to me and Y/N's apartment. As I was about to unlock the door, It was already open. I walked inside and saw Y/N giving a glare at me.

"Y/N babe, what are you doing here? I thought you're still at the grocery store" I said.

"At the grocery store." She said furiously.

"So you're cheating on me? Is that why you said that?" She added.

I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"You better explain this right. Fucking. Now!" She pulled out her phone with the picture of me and that one overly obsessed fangirl kissing me.

"That photo wasn't on purpose"

"Then why does this.. Bitch have a photo of you kissing her huh?" She said as she scrolled through that girl's instagram account and found several pictures of me in random places I usually don't go.

I am slowly getting scared of how many of these photos were, I feel like I'm getting stalked now..

"Answer me!" She said, raising her voice this time.

"Look, I was at the meet and greet. She asked if she can take a selfie with me and I agreed. I was smiling at the camera until she pulled my neck tie and kissed me" I said.

"Did you do anything after that?" She said crossing her arms.

"I can't, she ran away before I could react" I said.

"How about the security? Your other band members? Why didn't THEY do anything?" She said.

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW" I accidentally yell at her. Y/N rarely ever sees me yell at her because I am neutral to everything most of the time. Whenever I do that, she gets scared of me.

I sigh.

"Y/N, remember what I promised you? That I won't leave you?"


"I'm keeping that promise no matter what"

She hugged me, I was startled at first but them I hugged back.

Third person POV

While Y/N and Tom were having a wholesome time together, there is one person who witnessed it all and is jealous. They contacted their friends.

Beatdroppers Darksquidge Super Fanclub 💙🖤💙🖤

???: Girls, we have a new target. And she needs to be out of his life once and for all.



A/N: No, the fangirls aren't yanderes
Well- they technically are but doesn't actually kill people so please don't think this is one of those clichè fanfics that has a yandere character as an antagonist.

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