Chapter 3 | Meeting them

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---Time skip---

Your POV
I went back to my apartment and see Tom sleeping on the couch. I went to the kitchen to eat pizza and went back to the living room to wake up Tom. "Tom wake up dinner is here" i said gently shaking him. He groaned as he woke up. He sat up and paused to remember the surroundings since he forgot he was in my apartment. "Oh hey (y/n)" he said. "Come in the kitchen, food is ready" I said to him as he nodded and followed me to the kitchen. We ate our pizzas and had a nice conversation. We all went to bed.

---Le Time skip---

I woke up and went to the kitchen. I made tea for me and Tom and fed my dog (p/n). I went to the living room turning on the Tele. I was watching a show called 'The Children' and I heard Tom get up in his room as he opened the door. "Morning (y/n)" he said. "I made you tea in the kitchen" he went to the kitchen. "Hey this ain't apple juice" the show said and I laughed and sipped my tea. Tom walked in the living room and sat on the other side of the couch. It was weird because I felt more confident being around him.
"So Tom when are we gonna meet your friends?" I asked. "I dunno... you?" Tom replied. "Maybe at lunch?" I said unsure. "Yeah maybe, I'm texting Edd to meet us at the park" he said pulling out his phone. "Oh okay" i replied.
"Wait if you don't have enough money then how did you buy vodka in the grocery store?" I asked. "Oh I play my bass Susan in the streets" He replied. "You play bass?" I said as my eyes sparkled. "Yeah how about you?" He asked me. "Well I can play Guitar" I replied. "Cool what if we do a challenge" he said. "What kind of challenge?" I asked. "Later at 5 we go to different parts of the park and perform, whoever earns the most money wins" he said. "Deal!" I said.

---Time skip---

We went to the park waiting for Tom's old roommates to show up. Three guys were walking towards us. One with dark brown hair and a green hoodie, One with Ginger hair with a squared chin and wearing a hoodie with a green overcoat? And one with golden brown hair with spikes forming like horns and a red hoodie. "Tom!" The Ginger said running towards Tom and hugged him as the green hoodied one hugged Tom as well. The other one just stood there rolling his eyes and looked at me. "Hi Im Matt!" The Ginger shouted as he shook my hand up and down roughly enough to make me dizzy. "Hi I'm Edd" he waved at me. "Tord" the red hoodied guy said as he pulled me close to him but I managed to pull away. "Nice to meet you all! Im (y/n)" I smiled at them. I can see that Tom is annoyed because of Tord but why?

"Where should we have lunch?" Edd asked. "How about at the mall!" Matt exclaimed. "I need a new mirror by the way" he added. "Really?" I said. "Indubitably" Matt said being narcissistic. "Ok lets go" Edd said. We were going to the mall and went to the cafeteria. "Okay uhhh who's paying for the food?" I look at Tom. Tom gave me a competitive look. "Last one gets to pay!" He laughed as he run towards the hotdog stand and I ran after him. I managed to get there first as me and Tom were catching our breaths. "Ok fine I'll pay" Tom said. "Two hotdogs and Three chilli dogs please" Tom said as I went back to the table and sat next to Tord with an empty chair next to me for Tom to sit.
Tom comes back with the hotdogs as he hands them to us. He threw the hotdog to Tord making the hotdog hitting his face. We all laughed as his face was covered in ketchup and mustard.

"So (y/n) do you have a job?" Edd asked me. "Yes I do, I work on retail, in fact me and Tom met there" I said.
Edd smirked at Tom. Tom rolled his eyes and continued eating his food.
"How about you Edd do you have a job?" I asked. "I dunno, I usually animate and post them on YouTube" Edd said. "Cool" I said. We all finished our food and Matt stood up.

"C'mon guys lets go buy my mirror now" Matt said. "Fine" Tom said. We go to the mirror section. I was picking the perfect hand mirror for Matt while Matt was admiring himself on the mirrors hanging and the others shop for something else.

I felt a pair of arms hugging around my waist. I turn around to see Tord... "Tord What the hell?!" I slapped his arms and ran to the other side of the aisle. What was he doing?! Anyways I took the mirror and walked to Matt.

"Matt is this one okay?" I asked him. "*gaaaasp* YES ITS PERFECT THANK YOU (Y/N)!!!" Matt screamed as i put my hands on my ears. "Come lets go get the others" I said. I went over to Tom at the vodka aisle.

"Tom there are still more at home why are you buying more?" I said. "You got a problem with that?" Tom replied. I facepalmed and explained what happened last night. He blushed. "Uhhh uhhh uhhhh" Tom said looking nervous and blushing. "Tom?" I said. I then feel a pair of lips smash into mine. I melted into the kiss and pulled away. "T-Tom?" I was a blushing mess. "Sorry If you don't like me back It's just I like you and-" he was cut off by me hugging him. (A/n you're welcome for the cringe). "I didn't know you like me back either" I said smiling while I pull away from the hug. "Did you see Edd anywhere?" I asked him. "Oh yeah he's in the cola aisle" he said.

We went to Edd and told him that we are going to buy clothes in the mall. "So (y/n) why are we here?" Tom asked. "I need more clothes because my clothes are getting tight" I said.

---Insert montage music while Tom picks (y/n) clothes for her---

---end of montage music---

I ended up buying a (f/c) hoodie and (s/f/c) pants because they are the ones that are the cheapest in my size.

A/N Hello my Explainers and entertainers! I hope you enjoyed this cringe chapter! Author chan out!

1132 words total

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