Chapter 14 | Matt

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[Tord's POV]

I burst into Matt's room.

"Hey old buddy old pal!" I yell out loud.

Matt was startled but then continued to ignore me as he scroll through his phone.


"Hey Y/N can I ask you something?"

Y/N still looks uncomfortable talking to me because of how I treated her a year ago.

Oh God. The awkwardness makes me wanna dig my own grave right now.

"Yeah, what is it?" She said.

"Edd is going on a business trip for a week so I'm just stuck with Matt over here and I don't want him to kill me while Edd is away"

Y/N pauses for a minute.

"Wait you guys have jobs?" She said.

I facepalm.

"Yes we do, we're fucking adults who pays the fucking bills. What the fuck do you expect?"

She's stands there looking dumfounded.

I sigh in annoyance and explain.

"Edd works as an animator, Matt's a lawyer,
and Tom's the unemployed one out of the four of us and the only way for him to get cash is to bring his guitar around. Until he joined a band, of course. Edd told me"

She nods.

"How about you?" She asks.


"What's your job? Last year when we were in the movies with the boys, you were in the bathroom all day talking to the phone"

A sweat drops to the side of my head. I know that she knows the government wants me. But she shouldn't know where I used work. No one should know, even if they keep it a secret because of government interrogation reasons. If my father found out I told anyone, he would kill me!

"I work as... A mafia gangster! But that was the old days, I left after your boyfriend blew up the robot hahahaha--!" I awkwardly laugh finding an explanation why I was Wanted.

"Oh, that makes sense" She said.

I sigh in my head in relief.

"So what am I gonna do to make Matt be friends with me again?" I asked.

"I don't know, be nice to him I guess. Or do stuff that you guys used to do"

I nod and started walking away.

"Thanks, but if I fail, I'm blaming you"

She just stood there and laughed. Wow, what a helpful friend.

-End of Flashback-

I sit down thinking of a way to make Matt talk to me.

Matt's a fun guy, but if you piss him off, he can be really intimidating and you can't even recognize him anymore.

I slowly try to put my hand on his shoulder and..


I slowly opened my eyes to see Matt really pissed off in front of me.
I realized I'm on the floor.. The floor is cracked.. I didn't know Matt's that strong.
My back also hurts.

I got scared and looked at him.

"Did you think I would ever forgive you after what you did to me!?" Matt looking down at me in pure anger.

"Matt I-I'm sor--"

Matt grabs my hoodie collar and lifts me up.

"Oh yeah like apologizing is gonna work on me. It's not gonna work pal."

Matt dropped me on the ground.

"After all we did together all these years. Just for you to betray us!? I thought you we're my best friend, Tord. But I guess all those days were all a lie."

He pushed me out of his room.

"Don't even bother talking to me."

He slammed the door.

I sat there processing what just happened and it kinda hurt..

I stood up and decided to take a walk in the park.

Jon appeared beside me and followed me.

"You know, you deserved that" Jon chuckled.

"It's not funny." I replied.

Jon was about to say something until I brushed him off.

"Tch, rude" Jon rolled his eyes and disappears.

..Maybe I should ask Tom for help.
Sure he hates me but he's more easier to handle than Matt.

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