Chapter 15 | Bad Luck

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[Y/N's POV]

It was 2 am in the morning when I heard knocking at the front door.

"Mmmm.. Tom get the door.." I said trying to get back to sleep.

Tom groaned and walked to the front door.

Minutes later I heard yelling from Tom.

I shot my eyes wide open and went to him.


"Tom you gotta listen to me-" Tord pleaded.

Tom was about to yell again when I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Y/N you gotta let me in to sleep tonight- Matt's a psychopath!" Tord said.

"That's ridiculous, Matt's a dumbass. Y/N, don't listen to him, he's lying" Tom replied.

"Tom please! I can't even sleep at Edd's place without thinking Matt's gonna murder me in my sleep!" Tord said.

"Even if he were to kill you, he can't because he's a lawyer" Tom rolled his 'eyes'.

I sigh.

"Sure Tord you can stay" I said.

"WHAT!?" Tom looked at me in disbelief.

"It's better than hearing Tord knocking on our door and sleeping at our doorstep all night" I looked at Tord.

Tord was speechless and went inside and sat on the couch.

I yawn and went back to bed.

[Tom's POV]

I was making sure Y/N is back to sleep and I looked back at Tord.

"Don't you fucking dare try and touch my girlfriend. If you want to stay alive, keep your perverse mind out the door." I whisper-yelled at him.

Tord surprisingly nodded and slept on the couch.

I went back and lied down beside Y/N and hugged her.

Some time later...

My phone suddenly starts ringing and I picked it up. It was my band manager, Anthony.

I sit up while rubbing my eyes.

"Hello Anthony?" I said.

"Tom, I'm sorry for you to hear this but.." Anthony paused. I got worried.

"But what?" I asked sweating.

"You're out of the band" Anthony said blankly.

I didn't know what to say. Why? WHY would they let me out of the band? I was doing a good job.

"..WHAT!?" I yelled on the phone, waking Y/N up.

"I'm sorry Thomas, but your.. Fangirls is just not good for the franchise and marketing. Sure they buy our merchandise but, they'd resort to violence when fangirling over you. I've also noticed in your concerts that your girlfriend is also uncomfortable with your fanbase. So this is for the best, Thomas." Anthony explained to me.

I sit there speechless and shocked. I turned off the phone and lied down.

"Babe what happened?" Y/N asked worried.

"First Tord is here, and now I'm out of the band. GREAT! I'M A LUCKY MAN AREN'T I!?" I yelled in frustration.

Y/N sighed and hugged me.

"Life has ups and downs hun, tomorrow will be another day, let's just go to sleep for now" Y/N said.

I sighed and hugged her back.

"Alright then" I said before dozing off.

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