Chapter 4 | The Challenge

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Tom's POV
I stared at (y/n) with her handing her clothes to the cashier. "Hey (y/n) how about you wear your new clothes" I said blushing. "Really?" (Y/n) giggled. I smiled at her brightly. She took the clothes and went to the bathroom while I sit on a nearby bench. She comes out with her clothes as she smiles at me. I blush a tint of pink on my cheeks. "So umm how do I look?" (Y/n) asks me with a smile. "You look cute" I said as she blushes. We walk to wherever Edd, Tord and Matt was and met them there since they were finished buying stuff. "You look so hot in those clothes (y/n)" Tord flirted at (y/n) which made her uncomfortable so she ignored it and went outside to the parking lot. We followed her and went in the car. Edd dropped me and Tom to our apartment as we drove off.


We put away our bags and took out Guitar and Bass with us and went to the park. "Okay I will be performing here next to the lake while you perform on the other side" I said as she nodded and Took her Guitar and a hat she wore minutes ago.

I put my bass case and opened it and took out Susan. I gave her a signal to start performing from the other side of the lake and she nodded.

I played the song "The Story of my life" in front of people and they started putting money on my bass case.

Your POV
Tom gave me a signal to start so I started playing (your/favorite/song) in front of the people and they tossed their money in my hat which I put on the ground. When I was done singing I looked at my hat full of money. I look over to Tom still performing so I decided to sing again.

I sang the song "Haven't you noticed" by Steven Universe
(A/N if you havent heard of it it's the song above this chapter)

I started singing while I play my Guitar while people are gathering around me.

Everybody needs a friend

And I got you and you and you,

So many I can't even name them can you blame me im too famous...

Tom's POV
I was done singing and took all my stuff and walked around the lake to go to (y/n)'s spot. She was singing beautifully so I went behind her and sang along with her.

Haven't you noticed that I'm a star,

Im looking over you as the world is turning

Haven't you noticed I've made it this far...

Now everyone can see me burning,
Now everyone can see me burning!
Now everyone can see me burning...!

We stopped singing as people clapped from the crowd and tossed their money in (y/n)'s hat.

"How many did you get?" (Y/n) asked me. I took out my case and opened it and counted the money.
"£187" I replied to her. She took her hat counting and then laughed. "£298" I widen my eyes and smiled at her.
"Wanna sing one more song?" She asked. "Okay" I replied. We sang the song "Perfect" from Ed Sheeran.

Bold = Tom
Italics = (y/n)
Underlined = Both

I found a love...
For me...
Darling just dive right in...
And follow my lead...
I found a girl, Beautiful and sweet...

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me cuz we were just kids when we fell in love not knowing what it was I know we'll be alright this time...

Darling just hold my hand, be my girl I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Cuz baby I'm... Dancing in the dark...

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass...

Listening to our favorite song...

Whe you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, but you heard it...

Darling you look perfect tonight...

Your POV
We sang as the crowd cheers at us and toss money in Tom's case. As we stopped singing as the people clapped but all I hear is blurry and I focused my eyes on Tom as he focused at mine and I felt a pair of lips smash onto mine. I melted into the kiss as the crowd cheers. I pull away from the kiss as I look through the crowd. I saw Tord in the crowd looking angry putting his hood on and left. I shrugged it off as I hugged Tom.

It was already 6 pm. We were walking back to our apartment holding hands and put away our things. I went to the kitchen while Tom is on the couch watching the Tele. I started to cook fried rice and fried chicken. As the food is still cooking I fed (p/n) and pet them. "Aww you miss mommy don't you" I said as I pet my dog. My dog then continued eating. I washed my hands and continued cooking he food.

Tord's POV (before the singing)
Me, Edd and Matt arrived at the house while Edd is cooking bacon which is the only thing he's only able to cook. I sat on the couch while Matt was admiring himself on his mirror. I was bored as I changed channels on the TV.
"Dinner is ready!" Edd yelled like a mom. Me and Matt went to the kitchen and ate our food as usual. I was bored so I took a stroll down the park. I saw Tom walking beside the lake so I was planning to push him off the water but then I saw (y/n) walking in the other direction. I silently followed (y/n). She sat down on a bench and I walked up in front of her. "Why hello there sweet cheeks" I said. "What do you want..." (y/n) said. "I wanna be with you sweet cheeks" I flirted. "You what?!" (Y/n) said in shock. "Whats wrong?" I said. "Sorry but I'm already taken bye loser" (y/n) said walking away towards another bench as I looked at Tom from the other side of the lake full of anger.

I walked near a tree and clenched my fists full of anger and punched the tree leaving a mark on it. Ugh why does every girl I meet always taken?... I looked down and sat on the grass. I heard (y/n) sing at the distance. I went into the crowd as she sings. She sang so beautifully! I listened to her voice as I clapped without her noticing me.

I then saw Tom singing along with her which made me jealous. When they stopped singing they kissed?! I clenched my fists and put my hood up and walked away.

I took out a cigar and smoked. I was angry walking home.

-------------------------------------------A/N Hello again my Explainers and Entertainers! I still hoped you liked the Chapter with a tiny sprinkle of cringe!

1163 words total

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