Chapter 5 | The Date

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Your POV
I was done cooking and put them on the table. Tom walked in the kitchen because of the odd smell. "(Y/n)? What are you cooking?" Tom asked. "Fried rice and fried chicken" I said. "Fried rice? Well I haven't tried asian food yet" He replied. I gave him a plate and he started eating. His eyes widen and looked at me. "Wow (y/n)! This is Delicious! You should make more of this!" Tom commented. "Well It's my mother's recipe" I said. "But it's so good!" He said. "Heh okay" i said.

We were done eating our food as we got to the living room. (P/n) hopped on my lap and i pet him. I took out a dog treat on my pocket (yes you have dog food in your pocket) and I gave it to (p/n) "who's a good dog" I said as I scratched (p/n)'s belly. "Your dog is so cute" Tom said. I smiled. "But not as cute as you" Tom added. I blushed.

"So (y/n) do you wanna hang out in the amusement park tomorrow?" Tom asked. "L-like a date?" I blushed. He nodded and kissed my forehead. I smiled as I give (p/n) another treat. We got to our rooms and sleep.

---Time skip brought to you by Author chan simping---

It was 7:00 AM in the morning and I woke up from the sound of Tom mumbling something to himself in the other room. I sat up and changed my clothes. I fed my dog and gave them a toy. I made pancakes as Tom ate with me.

"Lets Go!" I said as I finished eating my pancakes. "Heh ok" Tom said. I took the plates and washed them and took my slingbag with my belongings such as a wallet and a phone. We both got in the car and drove off.

"So what ride are we gonna ride first?" I asked. "I dunno? The ferris wheel?" Tom replied. "Okay" I said with a smile. We arrived at the amusement park and parked my car. We went in and I was amazed. Tom looked at me smiling. "Why are you surprised?" Tom laughed. "I haven't been in an amusement park since I was 8!" I said to him excited. "Well what are you waiting for? Lets go!" Tom said pulling my hand and I stopped for candy floss. "Can we get some" I said making puppy eyes. "Ok" he smiled and bought two candy floss. I smiled as we get on the ferris wheel.

I looked down and went nervous. "Whats wrong (y/n)?" Tom asked as he put his hand on my shoulder. "I forgot that I'm afraid of heights" I said. "Don't worry you're safe with me" Tom said as he kisses my forehead and hugs me. "I love you Tom" I said as I hug back. "I love you to (y/n)" Tom said softly. We pull away from the hug and continued eating our candyfloss. We soon reach the ground and got out. I sighed in relief. We walk around and see a Ball toss game. (A/N Idk what they're called).

Tom's POV
(Y/n) looked at those giant teddy bear prizes and looked at me. "I can win you that teddy bear" I said. "Really?!" She smiled brightly. "Yes" I said as I put money on the counter. The man running that game gave me three balls. I tried hitting the bottles (which is very far away) but I missed. "Awww is someone too weak for his girlfriend?" The man running the game teased me as (y/n) giggled. I threw another ball and it hit the bottles but they didn't fall over. "What the?! I said confused as the man grinned. "C'mon Tom you can do this" (y/n) cheered at me. I threw another ball as it hit the bottles but it didn't fall over. I facepalmed. "What?! This game is clearly rigged!" I said as the man laughed. I looked at (y/n). She gave those puppy eyes again. Oh she's so adorable when she does that. "Why not give this lovely lady a chance to go huh?" The man said. "Really?!" (Y/n) said looking at me. "Okay fine" I said. She gave the man money and gave her three balls. She took her first shot. It didn't fall over. The man grinned and stepped on a tiny pedal under the counter and it made the bottles fall over. "Congratulations! You get your bear!" The man said handing the giant teddy bear on my head causing me to fall over. (Y/n) laughed as I got up. "Yay!!" (Y/n) smiled. (A/N Love the Helluva boss reference XD). "Heh I guess you can win your own prizes huh?" I said and (y/n) laughed. "What if we go to the tunnel of love?" I suggested. (Y/n) laughed "okay". We went in the ride as the tunnel gets darker. (Y/n) got scared and hugged the giant teddy bear. There were glow in the dark hearts in the tunnel which made us see in the dark. She flinched a bit when I put my arms around her. "Tom thank you for making me have a fun time today" (y/n) said. "You're welcome" I said. I lifted her chin up and kissed her. She then kissed back as we both melt into the kiss and pulled away. There was light in the end of the tunnel and we got off the ride. We walked around the park and bought ice cream. Mine was chocolate chip ice cream while (y/n)'s ice cream is (your/favorite/flavor). We went back to the car as she puts the teddy bear in the back seat. She started the car and drove off.

Your POV
I was driving to a nearby drive thru since it was lunchtime. There was a long line of cars so we waited. "Hey Tom..." I said looking at the windshield. "Yeah whag is it?" He asked. "Remember yesterday about the street performing" I said. "Yeah what happened?" He asked. "Well Tor- ugh nevermind" I said. "What?" He said confused. "Hello welcome to Jollibee may I take your order?". (A/N if you're not familiar with Jollibee it is a famous fast food in my country, you can change it if you'd like). "Oh umm can we take uhh... Tom what do you want?" I asked him. "Fries?" He said. "Ok can we take two cheeseburgers, fries and two (your/favorite/drink)s please" I said. We drove to the next window and got our order and payed. We get back to our apartment and ate our food.

A/N yay another chapter done!!! But I guess I sprinkled too much cringe in this recipe didn't I? Anyways see you in the next chapter! Author chan out!

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