Chapter Four: The Abyssin

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Evangeline had no idea where they were.

Honestly, she hadn't directly asked. The Mandalorian didn't seem to like it when she talked too much, she had learned that at least. So she simply stared out the front of the cockpit at the sandy world in front of them. She tilted her head, listening as the droids worked below on the hyperdrive. The Mandalorian had brought them to some kind of repair station so that they could use their hyperdrive once they met with the Abyssin he had mentioned earlier. The baby stood idly beside her at her feet, staring up as if waiting for her to do something.

They were alone.

Per the Mandalorian's orders, they were to stay on the ship. More so, she was meant to stay and she had been instructed to look after the Child. The Mandalorian had been gone for some time – she guessed he had left her behind on account that she didn't even have shoes and maybe didn't want her wandering around a desert planet in a nightgown. She looked at the baby and raised an eyebrow, questioning, "Is it an honor to be trusted with you?"

It was a joke, and the baby cooed, tilting his head. She smiled, reaching down before she lifted him into her arms and the two made their way to the ladder and down into the belly of the ship. She could hear the droids clanking...The Mandalorian didn't seem to like them very much but he hadn't been mean to them – which was good. She couldn't blame him if he truly did dislike droids. But not all were designed for war, and really...even the ones designed for war hadn't chosen to be made for such things.

Evangeline set the Child in his nook, leaving it open. He made a sound at her and she glanced back and said, "I'm not leaving."

She pushed her long hair over her shoulder as she slid her hands along the metal wall. Exploring the ship had become a pass-time. She had found all kinds of hiding compartments, including the little space she had been using for her own sleeping area. She hadn't missed the mobile carbonite freezing system. Part of her was thankful she hadn't angered the Mandalorian enough to use that on her. A part of her said he wouldn't – she hadn't been a threat other than trying to take the blaster and having known what had befallen him as a child.

Evangeline paused, then looked back at the baby...

"How does he eat, you think?" She questioned. The baby only tilted his head again. Evangeline laughed quietly as if the baby was going to respond, and truthfully it was a stupid question. He probably just ate in solitude. Very different from her homelife where meals were social and a time to recount the events of the day to people that she loved. She hoped she'd have that again, but the pit in her chest had yet to dissipate and she wondered if it ever would.

Evangeline tugged at her nightgown, hand sliding over a particular panel in the wall. She had noticed it before, blinking, but she hadn't touched it. Evangeline stood before it, glancing at the baby – the baby who was only watching and surely wouldn't tattle on her explorations. Her thumb pressed against the blue button – and there was a hiss as it seemed the wall opened.

Evangeline jumped back in surprise – taking in the sight of weapons. Blasters galore. Her brows furrowed. She hadn't seen the Mandalorian use anything other than what he kept on his person. She kneeled down, picking up a smaller blaster and testing the weight in her hand. She heard the baby coo behind her and she whirled around quickly...

She put her index finger over her mouth and shushed, slipping the blaster into the inside of her cloak. She quickly shut the doors behind her, before she went and approached the baby, feeling the need to explain herself to the small creature...

"It's only for protection," She insisted, "And no, not against your papa. know...them..."

The Empire. The remnants that had taken her family away. Everything that had come with that. She slid her index finger under the baby's chin comfortingly. Being frightened was exhausting, and she wanted some sort of reassurance things would be okay, even if she had no idea how to use a blaster. She nearly jumped from her skin when the landing to the ship opened. She whirled around, standing in front of the baby only to discover it was the Mandalorian – having returned from wherever he had ventured off to earlier.

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