The Epilogue

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Warning: This chapter is very mature.

Note: WOWWWWWW we have made it to the end everyone...I can't believe we are here at our little epilogue. I want to thank you all for reading this story, it really has been my pride and joy the past few months, and I hope you have all enjoyed reading it! Through the laughs and the cries, we have made it here and I'm so glad. I have so enjoyed writing this for you all and I look forward to telling more Mando stories in the future. *cough* I might already have another in the works *cough*. I love you all! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Enjoy our short little epilogue to see us out.


Elie was two months old when they went to Naboo.

Evangeline thought it was funny how the baby had become how they were keeping track of time now. As if their minds had decided there was a 'before Elie' and an 'after Elie'. And it had only been then that Din had allowed them to travel...And that they had managed to convince Bo-Katan to let them go off planet for a bit, only with the promise to return as soon as their little vacation was done. Din had spent so much time worrying about germs, worrying about taking the baby on the ship...But Evangeline just needed them to go...Just needed them to get out, and going back to Naboo...Taking Grogu and Elie camping, it seemed like the best thing they could do at the moment.

They returned to that same lake, the one Din had found her at when he had been so angry with her – shaking with unbound frustration at her running off...Something she regretted putting him through to this day, but it had been something she had longed for in the end, something she had wholeheartedly needed with a need that was so deep within she had felt herself disappearing. Evangeline walked through the tall grass, glancing at Din who was carrying most of the supplies with Grogu settled on his shoulders, and Evangeline had the baby in a sling on her chest. His eyes were open, and it was somewhat shocking how much he had grown in two months. He stayed awake for longer periods now, he made facial expressions...He had begun cooing often.

He certainly looked more like Din when the squishy newborness had worn off and his hair had only gotten thicker. His eyes had darkened, to Evangeline's pleasure...Her wish for him to have his father's eyes had come true, to Din's dismay because he had wanted the baby to look like her a little bit. Evangeline didn't mind at all...She wouldn't mind seeing the same little boy she had seen in her vision so so so long ago. His hair had little curls in it, which she often twirled around her fingers.

Not to mention his neck muscles were getting stronger, though when he tried holding his head on his own he was still a bit wobbly, and in the sling he kept trying to turn his head towards the sounds and such...But Evangeline had to keep a steady hand on the back of his head as he did so. He let out a coo and Evangeline grinned, asking, "What? You hear all the birds and the waterfall?"

Din's helmeted head glanced back. She had noticed how attentive he was to every noise the baby made...It was different from Grogu's coos. Their cries were different as well. Often Elie tried to mimic Grogu's sounds, but he also tried to mimic her talking to him. Din wasn't so good at the motherese, and Elie preferred the higher sounds...But when Din was in view, he had all of Elie's attention nonetheless, often grinning the moment Din took off his helmet as if he had forgotten his papa was even under there. Something she knew Din found entertaining, she always saw the way his mouth quirked in the corner when Elie's legs would kick excitedly upon seeing him...As if demanding to be lifted.

Grogu slapped his hands on the top of Din's helmet where he sat on his shoulders. He too was cooing happily at the sights and sound and Evangeline chuckled before speaking to Din, "I think they like it."

She trotted to catch up, holding Elie's head as she did so, continuing as she looked at Grogu and she questioned him, "Do you remember this place, my sweet? We had so much fun here, making crowns and eating chocolates."

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