Chapter Thirty: The Festival

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Evangeline woke to Grogu crying.

She blinked blearily. The sun was barely coming up inside the dome city, the room dark with light seeping in. It was clearly still very early though, and Evangeline rolled over, seeing his tiny body standing, holding onto the edge of the cradle...Only his angry shadow visible. Her brows furrowed...Most times he slept through the night, but when she reached for him in her mind, there was confusion...Confusion she knew to belong to the fact that he had woken in a strange room – in a strange building. Din's warm body was pressed to her back, and she felt him shift in response to Grogu and she pushed the blankets back – standing from the bed.

"Shhh," Evangeline whispered, not hesitating to take him from the cradle and pull him close, his hands wrapping into the cloth of her nightgown. She pressed her cheek to his head, her eyes barely open blearily, before she automatically moved back to the bed, murmuring in his ear, "This place is scary, huh?"

Din was awake, because when she climbed back onto the bed, he grabbed her leg, pulling her beneath the covers and he sighed, sounding as if he too was barely awake, "It's a bad habit to let him in the bed."

"He's scared," Evangeline laid his little body between the two of them, snuggling close to him as she continued, "It's a new place...He's confused."

Din only hummed, and she could see where his eyes had opened to look at her and Grogu where she laid her head close to his, his crying turning in labored breathing before it evened out quickly upon being removed from the cradle. Din pulled the blanket over her and Grogu – smoothing it down over them and she grinned, feeling as if he was tucking them in even though he had insinuated he didn't want her to put the baby in the bed with them.

It wasn't long after that, Evangeline drifted off to the feeling of Din playing with her hair.

When she woke again – it was still early but the sun had come out. She heard birds, though she wondered how there were birds in a domed city. Grogu was the only one in the bed with her, Din's warmth gone – not just physically, but Evangeline knew his presence was no longer close by. She frowned a bit, lifting her head to look at his side of the bed with narrowed eyes as if he would appear if she stared hard enough, but alas, he did not. Instead, the blankets were pushed back as if he had silently crawled from underneath and taken his leave at some point during their slumber. She figured...maybe he had things to do. It was only day two of being Mand'alor. Something she could barely wrap her head around. It was one thing to play in the night – to make love in their new palace. It was another thing completely for the sun to come out to inform them that it had been true.

She too slipped from the bed, careful not to wake the baby as she rubbed her eyes, going towards the refresher. She took her time getting ready for the day, brushing her hair and teeth and washing her face before she exited and went to dig through the clothing once more. Some of the dresses were too much...Very much something a duchess would wear, but a few looked more casual, particularly one of the soft yellow dresses she found that had thin sleeves and stopped mid-calf. Evangeline stepped in front of the full-body mirror, tilting her head as she studied herself. She maneuvered to the side, hands pressing to her abdomen hesitantly and she sighed deeply, mumbling, "You're getting very heavy in there."

She stood on her tip-toes a moment, twirling and letting out another sigh before going to the window that looked out upon their covered city. She leaned her forehead to it, ignoring how her breath smudged it. It seemed everyone was waking up in the distance, speeders going by.

Evangeline whirled, going to the baby on the bed. She leaned over him, pulling the blanket back and grinning when his eyes opened blearily. She greeted him in a cooing voice, "Good morning."

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