Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Game

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Warning: This chapter is very mature. And also more mentions of dissociation! ❤ So, as always be careful loves.

I hope everyone has a great upcoming week! P.S. if you've ever watched the first episode of Reign I stole a scene hehe


Evangeline didn't know what she expected.

Silence was not it.

The entire journey to the throne hall was more of a nightmare inside of herself as she thought of everything that could happen, while glancing at the darksaber on Din's hip. The elders walked in two lines ahead of them, three on either side and then Head Elder Tamas in the very front center while they trailed in the back. Evangeline's eyes rose to Din's helmet, and her heart hammered, mind wanting to leave her. They had left what she could only call a dungeon several minutes before and the walk felt forever before they made it back to the main floors. She wanted to speak to him, but the elders made her feel the need to be silent and she hated it. She just wanted to go back to Grogu. She wanted it to be the way it had been – on their ship just them. Not there in that place, and her hand reached out and she took Din's in her own, squeezing and looking for reassurance.

His hand squeezed back, even tighter than her own. But he soon pulled away when they approached the giant doors to the throne hall, she assumed. There were voices within, and Evangeline swallowed thickly, wishing he would hold her hand but she knew why he would not. Everything was unsettled, and she ground her teeth together, the giant doors opening and upon that action – the voices from within the large room stopped. From what she could see, it was an even bigger room than she imagined, filled to the brim with individuals, both dressed in armor and some not. She was almost dizzy – in the quiet, and she wished they had kept talking as the two lines of elders walked in, and stopped, making almost like a barricade on either side – and Elder Tamas spoke...Voice booming across the room she and Din had yet to enter...

"Today...Citizens of Mandalore," His rough voice spoke, "I present to you a new age...One that will revive our people...And bring us back to our former glory!"

Evangeline was shivering, and she looked at Din and whispered, "I can't do this."

His helmet turned in her direction...She swore to the Maker she was going to fall over, and Din assured her, "Yes you can."

"No," Evangeline croaked, "I can't."

Suddenly, Elder Tamas' words filtered through, along with cheering...

"I present, Mand'alor, the Reviver, and Queen Evangeline, the Fragile."

They were gestured forward. She could feel the tenseness in Din's body, he hated this...Every bit of the public display, she could sense it and no part of her could understand why he was doing this to them...Why he had made this decision to bring them there and parade themselves and risk being killed right there in the throne room. Evangeline watched him move forward, but when she did not follow, he stopped, looking back at her. Evangeline shook her head vehemently, and though she could not see his face...She felt a bit of concern rise in him – and a dark glare came from Elder Tamas who was still waiting for them at the entrance. She could not walk in with him, and if it made her a bad wife and queen, so be it. But she had never desired such as this. Evangeline spoke brokenly...

"I want to go back to the baby."

"My Queen," One of the elders spoke harshly, and caused her to flinch and shut her eyes, "You must accompany His Majesty."

Evangeline shook her head again and snapped, eyes burning as she spoke colder than she could remember ever speaking to someone she didn't even know the name of...

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