Chapter Twelve: The Trumpet

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Note: After this chapter, updates will be cut back a bit. I begin graduate school again tomorrow, but I hope to continue to update at least once weekly. Thank you for all of the support!


Corvus once again – was a planet that looked quite desolate.

Evangeline had partly resigned to the thought that they were never going to get to go to a planet that was green and beautiful – but she supposed something as such would be asking too much when they weren't exactly getting to pick and choose. She sat in the seat behind Mando with her legs crossed, the baby sitting close to Mando near the front. Evangeline had hoped that whatever planet that had ended up finding the Jedi on would be a nice one...Though she didn't know if this was where the Jedi lived full time. She just didn't want to leave the baby somewhere terrible...It was already going to be difficult enough.

"Corvus," Mando said, and she didn't know if he was speaking to her or the baby, "This is the place, I've detected a beacon."

Evangeline leaned forward a bit in her chair, uncrossing her legs. Mando said, and then ordered the baby, "I'm gonna start the landing cycle. You better get back in your seat."

The baby tilted his head and Evangeline sat there a moment, just to see if he'd listen – her mouth turning upward just in the slightest. The baby had slept most of the last forty something hours – nearly a two-day nap which was just insane to her, but he had gotten up a few times looking for food and looking for her specifically, having overrun her own cubby. And ever since he had woken up for the last time, he had insisted on sitting the closest he could to the front, making her nervous that he would fall off the dash.

She noticed the baby staring at something...and from what she could tell, it was a little silver ball sticking up from a lever. She raised an eyebrow at his interest as he continued to stare at the object, clearly desiring it, until Mando said, "Hey, what did I tell you? Back in your seat."

Evangeline rolled her eyes and reached out, taking the baby and bringing him into the seat with her. She scolded Mando lightly, "He wants the ball."

Mando looked back at her, appearing confused at first until he seemed to realize what she meant. His helmeted head shook back and forth and he replied, "He'll lose it."

"Awww, you don't know that," Evangeline said, lifting the baby and speaking to him directly, "He doesn't know that, does he? I'd be willing to bet you're the most responsible person in this room. You'd take really good care of it, huh?"

Mando spoke gruffly, "He's not getting it."

Evangeline rolled her eyes, before placing the baby back in her lap. She supposed she shouldn't have been surprised, he was weird about his ship. But she figured even if the baby lost the ball, the lever would still work so it didn't make a lot of sense to worry so much about it. They approached the planet, the cockpit quiet as she thought about what this would entail, what saying goodbye would feel like – but even thinking about it made her feel sick to her stomach as they grew closer to the planet. Mando hadn't spoken much more about it after their conversation. Or his warning before she had gone to sleep to get some rest. That it was going to be difficult. When she had woken up, she had wished she could kiss him. She imagined what it would be like if they could, but she wanted desperately to respect the fact that he preferred to keep his helmet on...

It was sudden when they were landing, touching down on the surface of the planet. So much so, that when Mando stood to get off – she was almost confused as to what they were doing until he stopped at the door and questioned, "Are you coming?"

Evangeline jumped up, carrying the baby as Mando moved and started to make his way down the ladder. However, before she left the cockpit, she smiled at the baby and rushed back towards the shiny silver ball, handing it over to him. He cooed happily, looking at her with his big round eyes before she rushed down the ladder, already hearing as the landing was opening. Mando seemed to be in a rush, and Evangeline just wished he'd slow down...That he would wait...

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