Chapter Eighteen: The Untold

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Note: This chapter is very mature. 

Also, I wanted to apologize for it taking a few days. I was doing research for the chapter. I really wanted to dig into Evangeline's fear of childbirth (more so, her fear of doing it alone), so I've been reading forums and such! Turns out, a lot of pregnant people experience this so I've gotten to read a lot of POVs. Hope I can express it well or at least adequately here!


It was the first time she had ever woken up next to him.

Each time before then, he would always be up and ready when her eyes opened...Or gone already for the day. Before, it had been because she wasn't allowed to see his face. In the past four weeks she supposed it had been because they weren't on the best terms. But that morning...the morning after he had been a part of her once more...He was there. Evangeline's eyes fluttered open to light pouring in the window, but her body was turned facing Mando's side of the bed...Her head buried in the pillow. He was there...facing her, and his eyes were still closed. Evangeline lifted her head slowly, hair falling in her face and she pushed it away to get a better look at him...

She...She didn't think she had ever seen him asleep without his helmet before.

Which was strange. He had seen her sleeping many times. She supposed there was still a lot she didn't know about him. Slowly, she pushed herself onto her stomach, and onto her elbows. Her fingers slid along his mouth, and the stubble on his face and she recalled that time in the dark when she had attempted to memorize his features. It was so different now – staring into his face. A part of her wondered if the sprout would look like him. Her index finger drew along his cheek bone, and just as she reached his ear, his eyes opened, somewhat blearily at her. Evangeline smiled, and tilted her head at him, whispering, "Good morning."

His hand reached from under the blanket, taking hers before he brought her palm to his lips – kissing it. Mando moved upward onto one elbow, his bare chest emerging as he then planted a kiss on the crown of her head and sat up fully. Evangeline looked up at him, before rolling back onto her back, pulling the blanket to her chest to sit up beside him on the bed. She turned her body a bit to face him, as his large hand found her bare back, and she wondered where her nightgown had gone during everything...Probably between the bed and the wall. Evangeline felt strangely shy in the quiet, looking up at him.

Mando's voice came out, rough from sleep, "I used to wish we could wake up together."

Evangeline's smile returned, and she glanced towards the basket where Grogu was still sleeping soundly. It must have been fairly early. Slowly, she maneuvered her way around – bringing the blanket with her as she hugged him close. He didn't tense...In fact he welcomed the embrace, though she felt him pushing the blanket back away from her chest. He grabbed her arms, pulling her forward and she found herself sitting on his bare lap, her legs straddling his waist. She noticed him glancing at Grogu's sleeping form at well, before he lifted the blanket around her shoulders, shielding their bodies...Maybe as a precautionary measure. She felt self-conscious though, revealed to him. He had made it clear he had noticed the change in her body the day before, and at least at night she could pretend it wasn't there.

Mando was looking up at her where she sat on top of him. His hands enveloped her thighs, sliding up to her hips before squeezing. Evangeline ran shaky hands through his thick hair, and murmured to him, "You're beautiful."

It was like when she had told him he had pretty eyes. He seemed almost startled by the words. Maybe it wasn't the norm to call men such things – but she really did think he was the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on. She put a hand on his shoulder, gaze traveling down to his member between them. Carefully, her grey eyes momentarily glanced into his brown ones, and maybe he understood her silent thoughts as she reached down and took him into her hand. There was a deep breath from his chest, and she dug her fingers into his shoulder while she used her other hand to stroke him in her hold. She watched him shut his eyes, and his nostrils flared slightly, his body leaning into the headboard behind him.

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