Chapter Twenty-Four: The Silence

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Note: This chapter is very mature.

Also, WARNING, this chapter contains attempted sexual assault. It also contains mentions of torture. It's not graphic, but it's enough I feel to need a warning. As always, stay safe all!


To say she didn't expect it was an understatement.

One doesn't typically expect to be woken from the dead of sleep in the dark belly of a space ship traveling at hyperspeed to someone's mouth on theirs, kissing them awake. Evangeline was almost certain she had only just fallen asleep, and she knew it wasn't time to wake yet – they couldn't be close to Coruscant for several more hours, and the baby wasn't even crying. But she was certain Din was kissing her – kissing her hard and she knew waking her was the intention. Evangeline's eyes opened blearily, but the darkness offered very little resolution or explanation, but Evangeline could hear him breathing into the kiss, and suddenly he pulled away. As her eyes focused, her vision adjusted to the dark enough to make out some of his features from a small light above, but it was still a bit difficult to see...

"Din?" She spoke, voice thick with sleep.

He had never woken her from the dead of sleep in such a way. For a moment, she thought something was wrong, but when his emotions slammed into her like a ton of bricks she realized it was something else entirely. Just a heavy sense of lust and she was confused, mind trying to catch up. She looked up at him, his body slightly propped above hers, and he seemed to be trying to catch his breath –

"I had a dream."

His body rolled closer, and suddenly she could feel it on her thigh...He was hard.

"Oh," Evangeline whispered.

His head dipped down, mouth pressing to her ear as his voice came out like a low growl, "I dreamed about what you said...About you touching yourself."

She immediately felt her heart quicken at the mention of it. She hadn't known why she had exposed something like that...It had just felt good in the moment to say to him – she had wanted him to know how deeply she thought of him...How much she had missed him. His head nuzzled closer and she gently reached up and put a hand on the back of his head, smoothing her palm over his messy hair. His teeth nipped at her neck and she felt him rock forward into her thigh, grinding himself against her – to relieve the pressure there she was sure. He sounded frustrated as he ground the words out against her throat, "How the fuck do you do this to me?"

Honestly, she had just been sleeping. She went on caressing the back of his head as his hips continued to move against her thigh desperately and she allowed it, turning her head to kiss his temple as if comforting the desperation from his body. As if she could relieve it. He lifted his head, and even in the dim lighting she could see his dark eyes digging into her like daggers, as he continued past gritted teeth, "You don't even realize when you're doing it."

His hand reached up and held her jaw, in a firm grip. Evangeline didn't know what to say. It sounded like he had come to some sort of revelation in his sleep, like he had been starving for her when they had only just had sex a few hours prior. But the way he was pushing against her thigh made it seem like he hadn't felt human contact in years. Her head was tilted upward into the pillow behind her, neck exposed as his thumb pressed into it. She felt vulnerable, but not afraid – she knew he would never hurt her, but she was mostly confused, his hip coming down harder. He questioned her, "Do you know how pretty you are?"

Evangeline swallowed, throat bobbing against his thumb.

His mouth pressed to the underside of her exposed jaw, and he spoke against her skin, "And soft...Maker, you don't even know...Not with the way you look at me –"

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