Chapter Twenty: The Farewell

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Note: This chapter is very mature.


More weeks passed.

Truthfully, Evangeline was surprised Mando stayed so long after the ship's arrival. She had figured the moment she had recovered from her brief illness, he would be on his way – but it didn't happen until she reached the halfway point of the pregnancy. Six more weeks passed, living their mundane life on Nevarro and as bored as she had been, she savored it because she knew it was only a matter of time before he had to go...And the closer that time came the more panic seemed to brew within her.

And she knew tomorrow morning would be the day.

He had told her...the week before what day he intended to leave, because he had gotten some pucks off of Karga. Several, it sounded like. But with the carbonite freezing system she supposed he could just pick up several. Maybe that was how he worked before – she didn't know, but it felt like it would be a lot of responsibility to have so many. She hadn't said much when he had told her...Not really anything at all. But she had cried that night in the shower.

She was definitely showing. But she figured that was normal for the halfway mark. Which made it all even more real, to be stacked onto her knowing that Mando was going to leave. It would just be her and Grogu then...besides Cara and Karga of course. But she was somewhat frustrated towards Karga for giving the pucks, even though Mando was the one who had agreed to it, and Karga and Cara were giving her a place to live and had given Mando a ship. The restlessness was growing, she felt like she had to pace often, she couldn't sit still for long. She was impatient and afraid and she felt somewhat lonely.

Not to say Mando didn't listen – truthfully, they had done better. Spoke to each other more easily...Mostly her, and Mando would often listen and respond with things that made logical sense, but they didn't make the pain any less. Maybe she had been in denial, and had been pretending that he wasn't going to go. That it was all a ruse. But then again...She had known all along, and had known it would only break her heart when the time did in fact come.

Grogu must have sensed something was going to happen soon as well, because he clung closer than he ever did before. And she would hold him, and she would tell him everything was okay – but she knew it wasn't within herself. She hoped he didn't sense that off of her when she would bounce him to sleep each night, Mando's eyes watching – always watching her do so from across the room. And the moment Grogu was asleep each night, he would lay on the bed and they would touch each other the way they always did – Mando's hands starving and her own caressing his skin and trying so hard to keep the memory of it engrained under her hands and between her legs.

The twenty week appointment, Evangeline had figured would be similar to all of the others she had with Doctor Jubileenen. Maybe a scan or something of the sorts, and he did that along with the other things he usually went over, such as weight and blood pressure. However, she had noticed whenever the doctor had lingered around longer than she had expected, that something must have been going on – especially when Mando set Grogu down and approached them. She sat on the edge of the bed, eyes moving back and forth, and things had been rather jovial until Mando's stance changed and he was staring at the doctor...And she imagined under his helmet he was waiting for something expectantly.

Sometimes she hated how it felt as if things were happening behind her back – especially when it concerned things such as this. The doctor was putting his stuff away, until he turned and he faced Evangeline – smiling. But Evangeline felt discomfort immediately, tugging at her dress a bit over her stomach that had grown in six weeks. Certainly no hiding it anymore. She chewed the inside of her mouth, before she finally piped up, "What?"

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