Chapter Ten: The Requiem of Din Djarin

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Warning: This chapter is very mature.


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Every bit of Mando would have preferred to leave Nevarro after that.

He wanted to get off the molten rock, quickly. Even if the base had been destroyed – had been consumed by flame...He didn't think he would ever be able to associate the planet with anything but what happened. The sickening smell of Evangeline's blood pooling, the thought that she was indeed going to die right there and there was nothing he could do about it. The anger that had been born from the ordeal almost made him wish the scientist who had stabbed her was still alive, just so he could kill him...Slowly. Maybe he hadn't changed – and maybe he never did what he needed to do, rather he acted how he wished and got what he wanted from those he killed. Those that pissed him off. Almost like reverting to that younger Mandalorian. Xi'an had been right, at that time he had liked it. And if the scientist that had stabbed Evangeline had been alive, he would have liked killing him...Torturing him.

The thing was though, they could not abandon Nevarro right after the Child had been able to heal Evangeline. It hadn't been the same as it was with Karga – and instantaneous miracle. Evangeline's wound healed, and she stopped bleeding which took care of the immediate problem, but it didn't replenish the blood she had lost. She had almost bled to death, and something like that didn't fix itself instantaneously. Despite the fact he wished the kid could undo everything that had happened and not just undo the outer wound. She was still weak, and twenty-two hours had passed since the incident with her not waking much in that time.

Cara and Karga had set them up in what seemed to be a small shed that had been converted into livable quarters. There was mostly just a bed, a small food preparation area, and a refresher, but it was enough for the time being. He had wanted to keep her on the ship, but Cara had suggested against it, considering the girl's bed was a makeshift pallet she had built on the floor of a storage area. Evangeline laid in the bed with her back turned, and the baby waddled around on the ground as Mando sat at the old wooden table near the kitchenette. The walls were stark white, and he stared at her back – her chest rising and falling. They had stripped her down to only her undergarments, her bare back visible to himself and Cara where she was standing near the counter and sipping a drink. Maybe it was good Evangeline was sleeping, she would probably be embarrassed. But her clothes had been ruined by the blood.

Mando had only just returned. He and Karga had gone to make sure there was nothing left of the base. He had to be positive. He had to know for sure. He kept thinking of that recording – the fact that Gideon had survived their encounter. And now they were stuck on Nevarro until Evangeline could be well enough to travel. He desperately needed to get the kid to the Jedi. Somehow it felt they were running short on time.

Cara spoke suddenly, "She had a small fever earlier. Its gone down a little."

Mando continued to stare at her back. He spoke evenly through the modulator, "Does she need a doctor?"

"Well, we don't have many of those," Cara chuckled, but she sounded tired, "And even if we brought one – what would he do? The kid healed the actual wound, her body is just trying to catch back up, I think. But if you really want me to get one – Doctor Jubileenen could take a look at her."

Mando shook his head mutely to deny her. She was right, there wouldn't be much a doctor could do. Maybe a transfusion – but he didn't know how much that would speed up the healing process. She probably just needed sleep, and Mando was being impatient because he was scared to spend anymore time there. He heard a cooing sound, and when he looked down from his place in the chair, he saw the baby pulling on his pants leg. Mando reached down and picked him up, and Cara smiled sadly...

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