Heart Break...

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Note: Extremely Sorry for giving late update, I really apologies to you all as today is Last day of 2020 I gave an update and hoping to give regular update of my stories in 2021.

Till Then enjoy reading and ignore spell mistakes as no proof reading done  for this update, Loads of Love to you all

BYE BYE 2020, Wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR :)

To be continued...

There was loud knock-on Sharma Door, Khushi came hurriedly with Towel hanging on her shoulder and blabbering irritatingly

Khushi: Ohh GOD who is there? WHY you are banging on door? Don't you have manners to ring a DoorBell? Have we fixed doorbell to listen this annoying and irritating bang on our door? (While saying this she opened the door)

There she saw none other than NK standing worried and ready to bang on door, she just glared at him and ignoring her NK entered inside. Khushi came behind him and Asked him

Khushi: Mr. NK, dare to explain why you were banging our door like some one is following you with life threat!

NK: said worriedly Ohh Khushi, it is worst situation than that, do you know after few Hours this NK will not remain the jolly, happy go lucky guy whom you met 5 days ago

Khushi: What?

NK: No Khushi, in this situation drink also will not help me, that is why I came here by dropping Ratna Bui and GF at temple. There I met Payal, Uncle and Buaji. I was hoping to see you there only but Payal said you are at home as Rahul bro is coming from his meeting.

Khushi: Yeah, I was willing to go there with Payal Di, but I slept for little longer and Buaji flew away without me (said with crying face)

Then when I called Di, she said to come with Rahul bhai but here also my bad luck followed me, that devil Raizada bro. of yours called bhai in office and now I am here alone waiting for my bro to tell him to take me to Temple.

It looks like when bro will be back till time everyone will be back at home so I was just doing time pass.

NK: Really Khushi! what time pass you were doing by hanging towel around your neck?

Khushi: Ohh that, Actually I was dancing in my room and my favorite song started and here door banging also started so I was irritated

NK: Sorry Khushi, by the way which song?

Khushi: Oh that she started singing and dancing at same time,

"Jine k hai Char din

Bkai sab bekar Din

Jaye jaye jaye jaye Ek baar jo Jaye Jawani Phir na Aaye..."

NK: Wow Khushi this is my favorite dance number, Shall I join?

Khushi: Oh yes, shall I bring new towel for you? Wait I will play songs on Bluetooth speaker and we both can dance in hall, yuppy....

And she ra inside

Here in hall NK was thinking, Thank GOD I came here after spending some fabulous time with Khushi I can face Dadi and will not feel that bad as I will ask permission from Khushi to come here whenever I feel bad or sad in presence of my Hitler Dadi... yes

Khushi came running towards hall and shouted Tadaaa..

Khushi: NK, please take this towel and we will dance

Both started dancing forgetting about main door which is wide open...

After dancing for next 30 mins both sat on sofa for break time, there Khushi got sense that she didn't offer even water to NK, if Buaji will come to know this she will eat her alive! So she asked with apology...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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