C H A P T E R : 24

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TLOA12 | 24 : Welcome Baby Mathis

{ William Bishop Mathis }

I leaned against the hospital room wall watching the machines carefully to make sure everything was still going smoothly. Both Anyela and I's mothers were up in the NICU cooing over the little boy who was struggling to breathe on his own. Anyela's father was in the opposite corner of the room with his eyes narrowed at me.

He blamed me for Anyela's state of health and I didn't blame him. The words he said to me after the women left was embedded into my mind. If she wasn't pregnant, then she wouldn't have lost half a gallon of blood from a simple fall. When the words were first expressed they burned severely knowing that I was the reason why she was in the position that she's in now. I was the only one to blame and knew if she didn't wake up, I'd might as well go with her.

"William!" I glanced towards the open hospital door and my mom looked at me face full of anger and worry all mixed into one. "I thought I told you to go eat something. It's been more than thirty hours and starving yourself isn't going to make the situation any better."

"I'm just not hungry." I diverted my eyes back to Anyela's motionless body. I put a hand over my mouth as I replayed the entire scenario of how we even got to this point. If it wasn't for Rina screaming Anyela's name I honestly wouldn't have known something that happened to Nye. Whoever knocked into her was lucky that I didn't know who they were because I would've been sitting in a jail cell awaiting bail for murder.

I felt a hand on my arm and looked down to see Anyela's mom. She looked worried and I knew she was tired due to the bags under her eyes. "She's going to be fine, trust me. If she does wake up, we'll call you, but until then you need to get something to eat." I shook my head and glanced at Anyela, before looking back down at her mom.

"I don't want someone calling me when she wakes up. I want to be here whenever she opens her eyes." Mrs. Thomas sighed before making her way across the hospital room to Anyela's dad.


I kissed every single finger of her left hand before kissing her palm and the back of her hand. I ran my hand on her forearm while I continued to watch her intently. This entire week has been bittersweet in a way. I loved the fact that I was a father now, but I couldn't get over the fact that the woman I'm in love with could die any day now.

I regretted giving up on the argument we had on whether or not she should be skating. Our relationship was already on thin ice so after arguing for an hour, I finally gave in. It was harder to deal with than I thought it was going to be. I knew the chances of her waking up with brain damage, but either way I was going to be there for her.

"Are you going to see him?" I heard my mom ask me with a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head and continued to play with Anyela's hand to get a reaction out of her. "Well what about naming him?"

"We never talked about baby names. She was superstitious." I knew my mom was simply worried about my well-being, all I cared about was Anyela. The fact that I had a son haven't clicked into my mind, nor has the fact that at any second Anyela could be taken away from me. "When she wakes up we'll name him." I said releasing Anyela's hand and becoming comfortable in my seat. According to the neurologist, she was supposed to wake up by today or tomorrow and I was going to be there for her whenever she woke up.

"Don't worry, I got a feeling that Nye's gonna wake up in a little bit." Anthony said while patting me on my shoulder.

"Thanks." My eyes were still glued to the motionless body lying on the bed, hoping what he said was true.


Loud, fast beeping woke me up out of my sleep. I rubbed the back of my sore neck and slowly opened my eyes to see Anyela's heart rate was well over one hundred. Crap. Rushing up, I opened the lights and clicked on the nurse button before realizing her eyes were open.

Her hand went up to mouth where her feeding tube was. I pushed her hand off when she tried to take it off. "A nurse is coming baby." I placed a kiss on her forehead and sent a quick group text telling everyone that she woke up.

By the time her doctor took out her feeding tube, everyone was here even Paula with a sleeping Vanessa in her arms. Everyone went into the private waiting room to give Anyela and I privacy together whenever the doctor leaves. Once the doctor left the room I stood over her bed looking down at her. I ran my hand over her edges before kissing her forehead.

"Where is he?" She croaked in a scratchy voice with her hand on her deflated stomach. The doctor said that her voice should get back to normal within a few days. "Is he...?" Though she didn't actually say the word, I knew exactly what she was asking me.

"No, he's in the NICU." The relief on her face was easy to read. I took a hold of her hand and entwined our fingers.

"How is he? How does he look? Please, don't tell me he's bald." I bit into my bottom lip knowing that I didn't know how to answer any of her questions. I knew that she wouldn't be very happy about it, but I didn't want to leave her and I hoped she understood.

"I never left your room so I don't know." Her jaw slightly dropped.

"Oh gosh, he's abandoned. He probably thinks we don't love or want him. My poor baby." I rubbed the back of her hand to soothe her. I didn't want her to become stressed because I know Anyela likes to overreact about many things.

"Don't worry, I'll go see him soon." She nodded and licked her chapped bottom lip.

"Is my daddy here?"

"Yeah, everyone is in the waiting room. I'll send him in." I reached down and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "I love you so much."

She smiled before replying with an 'I love you too'. I opened the door to the waiting room and told Arthur that she wanted to talk to him. Instead of going into the waiting room to give them privacy, I left the room with thoughts of going to the NICU.

I have to see my son.


Welcome Baby Mathis

12/24 9:16pm

4lbs 15oz 14inches

I ran my hand over the blue paper at the end of the glass bassinet. A ton of wires were hooked onto his miniature chest along with a breathing tube in his nose. "You're so small," I whispered against the glass.

"What are you in relation to the child?" I looked up and seen a petite woman in maroon scrubs. Her hair was in a tight ponytail, but by the dark circles under her eyes; it was obvious she was tired.

"I'm his father." I said my eyes going back to the small infant lying in the bassinet. "How is he doing?"

"His progress has improved immensely; length and weight wise. I can honestly say he's a little fighter." I smiled briefly. "You can touch him if you would like."

I reached inside through the circle at the side of the bassinet. I laid my finger in his palm and his small fingers tightened around my finger. I let out a breath and smiled.

I am a daddy.


Hope you guys are enjoying the SuperBowl. 14 & 14. I honestly didn't think Seahawks had it in them to have the game head in head. (No offense to Seahawk fans). What team are y'all rooting for?

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