C H A P T E R : 25

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TLOA12 | 25 : Mine

{ Anyela Miliana Thomas }

Stop Anyela, think straight, I thought to myself trying my best to not give in to Will’s efforts. Today is the day Will and I bring Bishop home with us, but Will has other things on his mind that he wants to fulfill.

“Will, we have to pick up our baby.” His lips lingered on my neck as his hands roamed over my entire body. Within the past eight weeks Will has done nothing, but show his love to me and little Bishop.

Last night was the night that showed me how much Will actually care for me. Even if there weren’t any rose petals or candles his proposal was perfect. The fact that he actually tried his hardest to make my favorite meal and getting burned in the process was enough to show me that he was read to do anything for me even if he was to get hurt in the process.

“Future Mrs. Mathis we have time.” He kissed me on my shoulder as his hand slowly made its way down to my thighs. He parted my thighs using his hand and cupped his hand around my womanhood. I wanted to fight him off, but the way his erection was pressing into my back, it was becoming extremely hard.

“Baby, we have tonight,” I mumbled into my arm before he turned me around to face him. My eyes lingered on his chest before slowly drifting down to the rest of his body. Last night was the most emotional, but yet passionate night we’ve ever had, due to me being self-conscious about my scar, and him showing me that I’m still beautiful.

“I’ll be quick, promise.” He lifted my body up, as if I was a twig, and placed me on the dresser. “Can I?” Will asked while rubbing his tip against my clit and opening.

I sighed giving in to him knowing that I couldn’t deny him any longer. “Go put on a condom.” He kissed me twice on my lips before going to get a condom.


“Now he’s going to think that we don’t care about him.” I said while speed walking to the neonatal wing of the hospital. Since the traffic was heavy with people getting to work, we didn’t make it to the hospital at nine thirty like we were told to. Though we were only ten minutes late, I didn’t want him to wake up and not see either one of us there. Usually when Will was at work, I’d come here and wait patiently for him to wake up so I could care for him.

“Nyela, don’t be ridiculous. He just stares at lights most of the time.”

“He still has thoughts, I bet.” Will didn’t argue back he simply nudged me softly into the area Bishop was in. When we got to his small bassinet, he was rubbing his eyes, no doubt just waking up.

Within the last two months Bishop has grown into a perfectly healthy baby. He was no longer smaller than my forearm and you couldn’t see as much of his bones as you could before. He was my little miracle baby and I loved him with all of my heart.

“Baby, pick him up.” I told Will after he sanitized his hands. Bishop has been kicking and grunting while Will just watched him. I shrugged out of my jacket and put my purse on one of the nearby chairs.

“He probably doesn’t even want me.” Will mumbled referring to himself not being able to breastfeed. Once Bishop was in his arms, he turned onto his side and started to suck on Will’s shirt. “See what I told you.” Bishop started fussing and Will gave him to me. “Mama’s boy.” I slapped his arm after Bishop was secure in my arm.

“Leave my baby alone,” I said after glaring at him. “Go look for the nurse so we can get discharged.” I said unfastening the front of my breastfeeding bra. I used a blanket to cover myself once Bishop latched on.

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