C H A P T E R : 11

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TLOA12 | 11 : Merry Christmas


{ Anyela Miliana Thomas }


I looked around slowly taking in all of my surroundings. I had never been to a basketball game before since my dad kept saying he didn’t want to explain the entire game to me. The hustle and bustle of everyone trying to find their seats and making sure everything was okay was crazy. Most people were running around like chickens who were bleeding to death due to the loss of their head. It was ridiculous; almost making me not want to go to a basketball game ever again – but Will made everything okay.

After finding our seats and finding out Will had got us north courtside seats because his dad golf with the Heat manager. I put my bag down in between both of our legs and pulled out my phone since the game wouldn’t start for another ten minutes or so. I took a couple pictures and put it into a collage so I could put on Instagram. Will had an Instagram but he barely knew how to do anything on it. It took him about a week to learn how to make a flipagram.

“You didn’t even tag me.” He said after studying the post to see if he didn’t look bad on the picture. I locked my phone after he gave it to me.

“I know how females work, Will. If I tagged you a lot of my followers will follow you and slide through your DMs. I don’t have time to have an attitude with no one, okay?” He chuckled and took off his jacket.

“You’re too much.” I kissed my teeth and pulled one of the many bottled waters that Will bought before coming into the stadium. I watched as the starting men on both sides jogged onto the court to meet up with their teammates. My eyes juggled between Dwayne and Lebron until game was going to officially start with the jump.

Throughout the first quarter both teams were holding their ground pretty well. They were neck in neck with Heat in the lead by two which I didn’t expect with Lebron on Cavaliers. The second quarter is what really got me heated. So many fouls! Foul this, foul that. I felt like I was gonna get a foul with all the yelling I was doing. Everything one of my baby’s did were counted against them which had me feeling a type of way from the start.

The halftime show got my mind off of everything especially with Will rubbing my back in slow circles to match the beat of the song. I kind of wanted to cover Will’s eyes with how the dancers were dancing with their tube top like shirt and booty shorts. They left very little to the imagination especially when they did their toe touches. Halfway through their performance they fell into a sitting position and looked up, their chest heaving fast due to their activities.

I followed their eyes up since they didn’t look down and seen the showing a bunch of hearts and red kisses all over the screen before a song that I recognized almost instantly started playing. I listen to beginning of I Choose You by Mario before a picture of me flashed up on the screen. I was shocked but even more shocked because it wasn’t the camera that was on me but a picture of me off of Instagram or Facebook. The picture changed to another before I realized it was entire flipagram of me. The very last photo said in neon green letters, Will you be mine?

My jaw dropped open but soon closed when I realized the camera was now on Will and I. Then it all clicked into my head that this was Will’s way of asking for us to start courting. I looked at him and he was just looking at me waiting for me to answer. I nodded my head feverishly before leaning towards him so we could kiss. The kiss lasted a lot longer than I thought it would but I didn’t care. The kiss was so emotional that I couldn’t help but tear up when it ended.

He kissed me on the forehead before getting back into the game since the halftime show was officially over. I didn’t even pay much attention to the last half of the game because I was too busy staring at Will. The way his thick eyebrows furrowed together when he didn’t agree on something or the big Scooby smile that spread across his face every time the Heat scored. He was handsome to say the least and I couldn’t believe that he was officially all mine.

By the time the game ended he had worked up a sweat from all the yelling that he was doing. When we finally made it outside while walking hand in hand, it was dark and cold out. I zipped up my jacket and pulled my body closer to Will’s own. He wrapped his arm around me engulfing me into his warmth.

“It’s so cold.” I whined. Since it was already seven it was extremely dark out making it around sixty-five. I feel like escaping into the Caribbean to run away from the cold especially since I didn’t have any more classes until the third week of January when the winter semester starts.              

“We’re almost to the car.” He rubbed my arm a couple times while I tried to match his long strides. His one step was two of my steps even with my heels on to bring me closer to his height. Once we got into his car I was quick to jump in and stick my hands under my thighs to heat them up.

Since both of us already spent time with our families earlier today, we decided to go over to his place to spend the rest of the night at his apartment since I had yet to go and buy my Blu-ray player for my condo. I quickly sped into the apartment building and waited for him in the lobby which was warm and had a gingerbread scent added to it.

I waited patiently until he finally walked into the room with my bag in his hand. I grabbed the bag from him and we went up to his apartment. We ended up just watching movies like we always do before falling asleep on his living room couch.



{ William Bishop Mathis }

Why am I doing this to myself?

Everything seemed so right but it was all so wrong. The ‘fake’ feelings. The way she looked at me. The spark that flowed through me whenever our lips or hands would touch.

I knew it had to stop soon before I got myself too fall in. Forget about my job. I didn’t need it or the pressure that was on me all from one case. I had a simple plan, very simple plan, that all went wrong because I’m human. Humans get attached to addictive things and Anyela was one of them.

I honestly feel like Anyela is the first girlfriend. Was it intended?

Hell no.

I wasn’t at the point in my life where I wanted relationships that mattered to me but yet here I am developing feelings for a criminal’s daughter. It was already forming for a while but fighting it was no use. This all surfaced to my head while having a conversation with my dad and Que.

They pointed out the obvious. That I was attracted to her but I mean who wasn’t? It wasn’t just all of the physical things about her body but just her personality. She was understanding and wasn’t the type to ask a bunch of questions unless it was absolutely necessary. She cared about what I wanted as much as she cared about the things she wanted. She didn’t like to argue and would force me, with her sad eyes, to give into whatever she wanted.

The past few months of our relationship have been full of little things bringing me even closer to her as the relationship goes on. It was like nothing was turning out like my original plan. I honestly should’ve just gave up on the plan after the first month but I could never bring myself to it.

Now looking down at her sleeping peacefully I still couldn’t see myself being apart from her. It was something that kept drawing me back to her but I haven’t figured out exactly what it was. But I WILL figure out what the hell it is.

I looked over all her features while playing with her ear until Nye finally woke up in a daze. She hit my hand away from her and turned her body around. I toyed with her ear again and her hand came lying into my chest.

“Leave me alone.” She groaned.

“I’m finna head out.” I kissed her cheek before climbing out of my bed. I went into the bathroom and got cleaned up. I went into my closet while I thought about my plan in my head over and over again. Quit my job, break up with Nye, and then move to Arizona. It’ll all be so easy.

I made sure I had my badge in my pocket before leaving the apartment. Soon I’ll have no worries.



Legit plan? Hmph.

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Muah, Bea

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