The Mathis'

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TLOA12 | The Mathis'

Placing her doctor's coat in the back of her closet, Anyela stripped out of her blouse and slacks. She was extremely tired though today was only a half day Saturday at the clinic. Grabbing some shorts and a tank up, she quickly slid on her shorts, but halfway through putting her shirt on she heard a squeal.

"Mommy!" Henry, who was frequently called my his middle name Matthew, squealed pushing open his parent's bedroom door. At only four he was always picked on my his older brothers and this time was no different.

"What's wrong baby?" Anyela asked stepping out of the closet and pulling down her shirt.

Taking in a big breath that caused his chest to rise as far up as possible before he started his ramble. "Bishop and Zach took Freddy out my room and are cutting him. You know how much I love Freddy Mommy don't let them kill him!" Matt said while grabbing a hold of Anyela's arm and pulling her intending to pull her out of the room.

"Didn't Freddy die two weeks ago?" Anyela questioned while allowing Matt to pull her. Last time she checked the hamster was still laying on its side in its cage.

"Yes, but you told me when I love something I have to keep it forever. I want to keep Freddy forever." Matt stated pulling on Anyela's hand even harder in an attempt to get down the stairs faster. "C'mon Mommy! You're going too slow!"

"I'm tired, did you tell your dad?" Anyela questioned as her feet continued to ache with each step she took. Will usually dealt with the mess the boys got themselves into, but seemed invisible at the moment.

"Daddy is sleeping. Mommy please hurry up." Sighing Anyela allowed herself to be pulled wherever she was needed.

Upon realizing that she was being taken to the kitchen rather than the backyard as she expected; she became angry. I know these bad little kids don't have that dead animal in my kitchen, Anyela thought to herself as her anger built up. The kitchen was her favorite room throughout the house and kept it as sterile as possible.

Walking into the kitchen she saw the backs of both Bis and Zach. Their attention was undivided into whatever was in front of them.

"No, we have to cut from the neck remember," Zach whispered when Bishop tried to start on the abdomen. Cutting into Freddy started as a joke on their little brother, but soon they became curious as to how the hamster would looked on the inside. Bishop was the only one currently doing anything affiliating with dissection in school, but introduced the concept to Zach. Though Zach was only seven he was immediately intrigued by the idea of cutting something open.

"I'm cutting across the stomach then cutting up to the neck. It'll be easier."

"Okay." Zach agreed while rising to his tippy toes so he could be able to get a better view. Just as the knife punctured the skin of Freddy, both boys became terrified and the knife fell against the countertop.

"Boys, what are you doing?" Anyela questioned paralyzing both boys and causing the knife to fall out of Bishop's hands.

Matt stood in front of Anyela's legs with his arms crossed across his little chest.

"Hey beautiful lady," Bishop said with a smile spread across his ten-year-old face. Exactly like his father, Bishop was a charmer and used his smile along with his eyes to get anything he wanted; sad part was that it never worked on her.

"Bishop. Zachary." She said sternly.

"We was just playing with Matt, Mama. We weren't going to really cut Freddy." Bishop pleaded trying his best to get out of any punishment his mom had in mind for him.

"Liar! They're lying Mommy." Matthew stated glancing up at Anyela with a known look on his face.

"I know baby," Nyela stated rubbing the top of Matthew's head. "For the next three weeks you guys are going to do everything Matt tells you to," Both boys groaned while Matt's smile grew wide. "You're gonna wash the dishes by hand every night."

"Mama! We have a dishwasher!" Bishop groaned in disbelief.

"And so what? You shouldn't have brought Freddy into my kitchen. Oh and before I forget, I'm taking your electronics." Zach began to cry while Bishop gave Matt the most evil face that he was capable of. "Now get out of my kitchen and take Freddy back where he's supposed to be."

Bishop and Zachary grudged out with a Freddy in their hands while Matt followed behind them with a smile on his face.

Shaking her head Anyela went to the cleaning closet and grabbed what she needed to sanitize the entire kitchen. Grudging Anyela wiped down the entire countertop with the Clorox wipes.

"All I wanted was one girl. Just one girl." Anyela grumbled while wiping the entire counter again.

"Four is the lucky number, you know that, right?" Will questioned while leaning against the door frame of the kitchen. After realizing that the situation was resolved, he "woke" up out of his slumber.

"I thought you were asleep." Anyela said before narrowing her eyes after coming to the realization to what he did. "Oh, I hate you."

"I love you too baby." Shaking her head she turned back to the sink and grabbed a small bowl. She filled it with watered down Clorox before placing her knife in the bowl.

Backing away from the sink Anyela bumped into Will and he held her body against his. Anyela may have had three kids, but Will could barely keep his hands off of her. Only the thoughts of the kids barging in is what made Will not bend her over the countertop.

"What do you want, Will?" Anyela asked acting as though she didn't love the feel of his body against hers.

"Something that I can't have." Will kissed behind her ear causing Nyela to giggle. Since she was currently on her menstrual, Will had to patiently wait her out. "But the day after tomorrow we can try for that girl, you know."

Anyela scoffed, "I don't need to try for a girl."

"I bet I can make you change your mind." Will challenged as his lips traveled down Anyela's neck.

"Whatever William." Pushing his hands away from her body she moved away from him. "That'll never happen."

"Don't test me." Will said with a sly smile on his face. Anyela's heart fluttered knowing that she was going to have to put with this handsome man for the rest of her life. Anyela didn't mind because her family was her life, and she wouldn't give it up for anything.


- The End

- Hope you guys liked the book and sorry for any grammatical and punctual mistakes

- Muah, Bea

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