Chapter 11

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The playground was empty, the teachers bring their classes out the the playground to find their parents, as I was nearly ten minutes late nobody was here, fuck. I found the door Kyle's teacher usually stood at and went in, damn it, it was either one of the four classrooms down here or upstairs. I knew it wasn't upstairs, I remember distinctly visiting his teacher at the beginning of the year and she wasn't upstairs. Going through the double doors away from the stairs, I looked through the window of the first class, empty. The second was also empty, but as I neared the end of the corridor I heard crying, Kyle's crying.

"Daddy's forgotted 'bout me." He cried, "He forgotted 'bout me just like Mommy did." I legged it down the corridor reaching the end as the teacher spoke.

"No, I'm sure he hasn't Kyle," The teacher replied, "I'm su-"

"I'm here buddy." I panted bursting through the door. Kyle turned to face me slipping off his chair and running to me, I crouched to the ground letting him wrap his arms around my neck.

"There we are Kyle, I was right." The teacher smiled, she stood up and walked over to me as I straightened up, Kyle attaching himself to my leg.

"I thinked you left like mommy." He spat her name out like he does with mushrooms - he spits them out every time.

"Never," I shook my head smiling at him as I picked him up and he locked his arms around my neck. "I'm so, so sorry Mrs Bruce, I am so-"

"Don't worry Mr Iero, I understand city traffic can be a huge problem." Right, yes it was so obviously the traffic that was the problem.

"Uh, yes, well again I'm sorry." I chuckled turning back to the door.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Kyle." She smiled waving as we walked from the classroom.

"Are you going to carry me Daddy, I really don't want to walk." He said as I attempted to put him down. "No Daddy I don't want to walk all the way home." I whined, I didn't answer because if I said something he would do his silly fingers in his ears, talking over me, thing. He sat on my foot wrapping his legs around my ankle and his arms around my knee.

"Kyle you gotta get up silly." As I had said he didn't listen to me just shoved his fingers in his ears.

"La la la, I'm not listening, la la la, I can't hear you." He said in a sing song voice, but we both knew full well he could hear me and he was listening.

"You have to stand up Kyle." I crossed my arms staring down at him. "No cookies for you when we get home then."

"COOKIES!" He screamed standing up and grabbing my hand to walk home with me, always does the trick.

"We're not walking anyway, Daddy's friend is going to take us home." I chuckled checking he had everything in his school bag before walking off the playground towards Gerard's car.

"Is it Brenny? I like Brenny, he's funny." He giggled looking up at me eagerly. "Brenny's my favourite."

"No, It's someone from where I grew up." I said suddenly worrying about what exactly Brendon had been doing with Kyle, because everything I found funny about Brendon was very inappropriate for a four year-old. "You remember the red haired guy from Starbucks?"

"The one from the arcade, who said a naughty word." Oh god he remembers him like that.

"Uh, yeah him, Gerard." I said smiling at Gerard as we approached his car.

"Hi Ge-ad." He waved as I opened the door to the backseat for him.

"Hiya Kyle," He smiled turning back to look at him as Kyle strapped his belt on. "Wow you can do your belt, that's awesome."

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