Chapter 25

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Coughing and spluttering, my eyes fluttered open to cold water on my face, somebody was pressing on my chest, but holding me up against them too. The water was very cold, freezing, I was freezing and soaked. Before I could look at who the person was, or decide whether I wanted them here or not, I was being sick.

"I think it must've been these." Alicia's voice rang through my ears, "The caps off." She held up and orange pot filled with circular white pills, the ones I took some of.

"Shit, I shouldn't have left them out." Gerard cussed, that's when I realized he was in the bath with me, also fully clothed trying to resuscitate me, well actually he already had. Scrambling away from him, I tried to slip to the other side of the bathtub, but it didn't work very well as it was a little to small. "Hey, hey Frank-"

"Get away from me." I cried standing up and backing away from him, I tried to step out of the bath backwards, but failed only succeeding in falling out of it and onto the floor. Not caring the I was on the floor, I shuffled back wards into Alicia's legs my eyes locked on Gerard so I could watch where he was going, and stay away from there.


"No!" I screamed, again tears falling down my cheeks slowly again.

"Frank, just tell us how many you took." Alicia sighed helping me up of the floor and showing me the pot.

"I-I don't know, s-seven or e-eight maybe." I shrugged shivering like crazy and still cautious to stay away from Gerard. Gerard tried to wrap a towel around me, but I pushed him away roughly causing him to stumble back, he steadied himself, sighed as tears filled his eyes. Alicia took the towel from him and wrapped it around me, which I hesitantly let her before she looked at Gerard with a questioning look holding up the pills.

"H-he'll be fine." He confirmed, "Listen Frank ple-" I shook my head backing into the corner.

"I'll wait outside." Alicia said quietly walking towards the door her head down, I tried to protest, but was given no other choice but to stay and listen to Gerard.

"Frank I-"

"You don't love me, I get it." I whispered pulling the towel tighter around me as I shivered into it, my face was probably blue I was that cold.

"You're kidding right?" He scoffed, I just looked at him blankly, making it clear I was in no way kidding, I really was getting the impression he didn't.

"I love you so much Frank, you don't even understand how much I-"

"No, I don't understand, I don't understand at all, because you have a fucked up way of showing quite how much you 'love me', because I will tell you now telling Mikey you don't know why you don't know why you ever fucked me isn't a good way of showing it, and saying you regret the thing that started this all doesn't give me that impression." I yelled throwing the tablet pot, I had in my hand for some reason, at him.

I stormed from the bathroom into the adjoining bathroom to where Alicia was sat on the bed, I didn't acknowledge her immediately, I dug through my suitcase for some dry clothes, some thick sweat pants, some boxers, a new tee and a jumper first. I pulled my wet clothes off drying myself with the towel as Alicia widened her eyes standing up awkwardly.

"I'll wait out-"

"I'm gay dumbass just sit down." I said, I wasn't trying to sound rude, but I felt like shit and I really wasn't in the mood for fucking about. The fact that she was still in the room implied she wanted to say something in which case her leaving would be pointless, therefore if she's bothered - I'm not - then she can close her eyes. "Can I help." I asked slipping into the other side of the bed, I just wanted to sleep, popping pills doesn't leave you feeling very good afterwards that's for sure.

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