Chapter 38

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"How do I get home when we came in your car?" I asked Gerard as I stuffed the last of Kyle's clothes into his bag. We were going to miss Gerard, but it had to be this way, I couldn't move right now, it would be at least until Christmas. Gerard was going to come and spend the weekends in New York and he promised he would come up for Christmas, then I would think about moving back to Belleville.

"You really didn't think this through did you?" I laughed sitting on his bag as I tried to shut it, I never understood how this worked you always came with a perfect amount, you had everything you needed and your bag shut, then however you back and bam! You have no room left. Kyle had not gained a single thing and yet I couldn't close his back, what the flying fish fucks!

"Ah, see that's where you are wrong." He smirked taking the bag off me and somehow - please tell me how - closed it, like it was the easiest thing he had ever done. "What would you do without me hey?" He laughed pushing the bag back at me.

"Oh god, I really don't know." I laughed but whined too as I rested my forehead against his chest, I probably looked like a week hopeless shit, but I kinda felt like it, I was knackered, especially after Gerard and I could sleep, so simply went for round two last night.

"Well you gotta drive home, so I'm gonna make you coffee." He grinned, he knew something I didn't and I wanted to know what it was.

"What about you, you'll need a car won't you?" I asked, I already had a car I just hadn't brought it, admittedly I needed a new one, mine was the most run down car ever, but still he needed his car.

"I would go look outside sugar." He smiled slipping something into my back pocket as he walked out of the room. Slipping my hand into my back pocket, I pulled out the cold metal from it, laying it across my hand, I looked down: keys, car keys. A little confused, I did as he had said, and headed downstairs to the front door, opening it and stopping in the door way.

Sat casually on the driveway, was a brand new, shiny black car, I wasn't good with cars, but I would hazard a guess at it being some fairly expensive Mercedes or something. Whatever it was, it would have been expensive enough for him to have spent a lot of money on, and that in itself I really appreciate. It wasn't like he hadn't already spent every dime he had on some really expensive - but unbelievably beautiful - guitar, a personal lyric book and the most beautiful engagement ring, he seriously didn't need to go and buy me a car too.

"You like?" He asked from behind me, he made me jump and throw the keys, which decided to land in the coffee he had made for me.

"Fuck sake." I sighed, "Yes, thank you, so much." I groaned hugging him lovingly, he simply laughed at me hugging me back with his free hand, "You shouldn't have, seriously, you're going to be broke."

"Oh who are you kidding, I'm already broke honey." He laughed fishing the keys out of my mug of coffee. He hooked the dripping keys off the end of his finger, he started laughing before pushing the coffee into my hands, "Coffee?" He joked expecting me to say no.

"Thanks." I smiled downing the whole mug in one, before handing it back to him as he stared at me with wide shocked eyes. "I'm tired, I don't care." I mumbled, it wouldn't kill me would it?! "We should go really." I sighed, taking the keys from him, drying them on my shirt and then unlocking the car, releasing the fabulous new car smell.

"You have to?" He asked sadly pinning me against the car when I turned around, I nodded and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'll Skype you, I promise." I chuckled locking my hands together behind his neck and kissing him again.

"Damn right you will." He laughed breaking away, "I'll get Kyle, you get the bags." He pulled me into the house, I went upstairs for the bags and he went into the living room for Kyle.

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