Chapter 24

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"You really don't mind?" I asked Gerard as we climbed from his car in the hospital parking lot.

"Of course not." He laughed looking the car, he walked round to join me linking our fingers. I didn't grip him back, actually I tried to pull away which he reluctantly let me, but he grabbed me just before I could go in. "Hey what's wrong." I shook my head trying to convince him I was perfectly fine. "Frank, since when are you conscious of being gay in public." He asked, he had a point, everyone knows I don't give a shit what people think and I am far from embarrassed of my sexuality.

"I'm not." I protested, deciding I wouldn't try to walk away from him because he would just worry more.

"Then what's wrong, why won-"

"Because I want my mom to like you at first impressions not immediately hate you." I cut him off, my mum holds a grudge very well once she's decides she doesn't like someone it's virtually impossible to change her mind.

"And why would that happen?" He asked sounding a little more relaxed but also a little worried.

"Because she is very much against gay people and if she knew I was gay and with you she would automatically blame you and hate you for it." I sighed stepping back into the wall, I wished my mom wasn't a judgmental bitch, but she is and no way was I having her hate Gerard for her homophobic ways. "I don't care if she thinks I'm gay and hates me for it, but I don't want her to hate you, because there is absolutely nothing to hate."

"Hey, I don't care either. She can hate me if she wants too, you don't hate me that's all I care about." He smiled kissing me softly and pointing me into the hospital.

"I could never ever hate you." I smiled grabbing his hand, he was right who the fuck cares what my Mom says.


"Well thanks for coming I guess." She shrugged once we had finished talking about New York, she wasn't quite herself anymore, apparently lung disease effects personality big time. She didn't seem to care about me any less or hate me in any way, but she didn't say a single word to Gerard.

"Yeah," I smiled weakly I couldn't quite sympathize with her fully because quite frankly it disgusted me her attitude towards Gerard. "Well Gerard brought me, you should thank him or I wouldn't be here." I shrugged smiling back at him, sat in the chair behind me and to my right a little.

"Oh." She simply said not even looking at him.

"Oh? That's all you can say, oh?" I spat angrily, both of us had been sat with here for nearly four hours keeping her company, well Gerard tried but soon gave up, I could've just said no but I came to see her and she can't even say hello to him.

"What do you want me to say Frank? He made you ga-"

"No, no he didn't if anything you did." I scoffed, I was gay way before Gerard. "You made me decide I didn't want a girl, because I didn't want anyone like you." I snapped not even caring if I hurt or offended her, the way she was treating Gerard hurt more than if she were to treat me like that.

"Frank I think maybe that's enough." Gerard whispered grabbing my hand where she couldn't see it as he didn't really want to annoy my mom any more.

"I just don't like the fact your with a guy and-"

"Yeah you probably won't like the fact I was fucking him in senior year either then." I added just to annoy her, but I was going to really piss her off in a moment. I grabbed Gerard's pulling him up, "You don't like the fact I love a man?" She shook her head. "Good." I smirked grabbing Gerard's face and kissing him hard. "I love you very much by the way." I smiled at Gerard, grabbing his hand, I walked towards the door.

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