Chapter 6

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Hanging my leather jacket up on the coat pegs by the door, I dropped my keys onto the table hearing the shower shut off soon followed by the curtain being dragged across. Heading up the hallway, I slipped into Kyle's room seeing him sleeping peacefully on his bed, pecking his forehead lightly I said goodnight before leaving and going straight to the kitchen. Coffee time.

After making two coffees I sat before the television waiting for Katie to come out, this was the right thing to do, I was sure of it. I had to be honest, the longer I lied about it, the harder it would be to tell her and the more annoyed she would be. Maybe I would end up having to work more, or find another job and risk not living with Kyle, but Brendon had said this was right (sort of) and so I would.

The only doubt I had in my mind was: What if Gerard didn't forgive me? If he told me to go fuck myself, told me he wouldn't forgive me, what then? I'm pretty sure this was still the right thing, whether it's for Gerard or not bottom line is I don't love Katie like I should.

"Frank?" I heard Katie's voice as she walked round the couch to sit next to me.

"Hi." I managed to spit out, if I was honest I was scared, I didn't want this to shatter and fall I love Katie as a friend a very close one at that, but I didn't want to end up with a broken friendship. "I made you coffee." I pointed to the coffee on the table and she smiled picking the mug up and drinking most of it in one go.

"Thank you," She placed the half empty mug back on the table sitting down properly holding my hand gently, before turning to face me having sensed that I wasn't at ease. "Frank you okay?"

I took a deep breath before shaking my head, for the second time in my life I was telling my closest female friend I was gay, fuck me. "No, I need to talk to you." I sighed biting my lip hard, taking long deep breaths staying calm.

"Of course." She smiled back.

"I need you to understand me when I say this, please don't flip out at me."

"Frank y-you're scaring me, what have you done?" Her face sank noticeably and she looked at me a very worried expression present on her face.

"I lied, and I'm sorry, I really am. I-I really don't want to lose you and  especially don't want to lose Kyle." I whispered keeping my tears in.

"Frank, stop making this hell and just tell me."

"I'm gay." Her hand left mine but she didn't speak, there was just dead silence. Tears ran down her face like streams down a mountain, she breathed heavily and slowly closing her eyes trying to keep herself calm.

"R-really?" She whispered after several minutes of silence, I nodded slowly giving no other answer. "So that's why our sex life is virtually non-existent, because you're not attracted to me."

"Don't say it like that, you're the mist beautiful girl I've met, I just like men." She nodded slowly looking very pissed off.

"Since when?" I didn't reply, I didn't really want to say, 'oh way before I met you.' That would be bad. "You were never straight were you?" Again I didn't reply. "Were you?!" She repeated louder and a lot angrier the second time.

"No." I admitted, "I liked you a lot, I was hurt over a guy so I wanted to take my mind off it, I didn't expect it to go anywhere, then you got pregnant. I never wanted my kid to think their Dad didn't love them like I felt, because I love Kyle more than anything."

"So you dated me to help you forget about someone else? Wow Frank, I can't even believe you." She exclaimed, I'm pretty sure she would be screaming at me if Kyle wasn't in bed. "I should've known, we never have sex, you work at a gay strip club and you refuse to tell me anything about your past, well fuck you."

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