Chapter 33

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I had only been to his apartment once, even then I hadn't gone in, but I knew which one it was. It was a quick journey, I was there in minutes and I was still fucking ballistic. I was half expecting to have to hammer on the door to get him to open it, but found it slightly a jar when I arrived.

"Gerard." I called out, I tried to sound simply worried rather than annoyed, I didn't want to scare him. "Kyle?" I tried when I got no reply. Venturing further in, I saw the place was wrecked, all of the belongings still here - probably Bert's - were thrown around haphazardly and no-one was to be seen. I checked every room, almost giving up hope, until I heard groaning.

Peering through the bedroom, I notice two booted feet lying against the bathroom floor. They were motionless, like they belonged to somebody who was dead, god how I hoped the person wasn't dead. My heart beat hard and fast in my chest, I was glued to the spot, fear pumping through me, consuming my every thought, I was scared shitless. Those boots, I knew them, I knew they were Gerard's and I knew the deep blue scruffy jeans were his too. Majorly pissed off, I was definitely that, but the last thing I wanted was him dead, I couldn't live with him dead, in fact I probably couldn't live without him by my side, but dead I would never cope.

"Gerard." I cried suddenly finding my voice and ability to move. All my anger soon disappeared as I ran into the bathroom sitting down on the floor by his side. It was in fact him, he was lying on the floor propped up against the bath, he was bleeding, bleeding from his nose, his arm and he had bruises on both his eyes. "Hey, hey Gee can you hear me." I asked pulling him towards me, it seemed as though he was simply falling asleep as he jerked up sitting up properly.

"Mm, y-yeah." He nodded looking around, the obvious signs of violence probably made him a little light headed and disorientated. "I'm fine."

"You feel dizzy? You okay?" I asked letting him go completely, if he was fine why the hell was I being sensitive.

"No I'm fine, my face is sore though." He laughed awkwardly, I stood up backing away from him, before my increasing anger made me ruin his face more.

"I think it's about time you told me what's going on Gerard." I demanded throwing my arms across my chest, I eyed him making it very clear I was in no mood for bullshit.

"Uh, I-I'm not sure what you mean Fra- Well I guess, but it was just at th-"

"Bull-fucking-shit!" I screamed shoving him backwards roughly, the force I had pushed him hard up against the wall, he had an extremely shocked and confused expression. "I'm giving you on elast chance Gee, one last chance to tell me the truth, or we're done." I spat stepping back so he had a little space, "And when I say done I mean forever, because I'm not do-

"I don't kn-" I glared at him struggling not to laugh, I made my point by twisting the ring on my finger slowly, slipping it off my finger at the slowest pace I could. "I didn't ask for it Frank." He sighed, I stopped, the ring in the middle of my finger, my face staring down at it but intuiged.

"For what to ha-"

"Bert, it was him, I'm sorry, I a-"

"Huh, you're funny." I scoffed ripping my ring of anyway, "You see I believed you that time in Belleville when you said you were just confused, you were just scared," I whispered, looking down at my hands and playing with the ring. "Remember that? Remember when I found that Viagra, when you were fucking Bert behind my back, when you got engaged without me even knowing you had a boyfriend." I asked making this hard for him, I was going to make him regret everything, "Do you remember that Gerard?"

"Y-yes." He mumbled, "But I remember that I meant everything I said, I meant the song, and I meant it when I said I loved you." He looked up at me tears in his eyes. "You remember that Frankie?"

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