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Once we all finished studying, Bokuto was called for dinner and Keiji decided it was about time to go home as well.

I stood at the front door of our house next to him as he tied his shoes and put on his hat. His dark hair curled to the side, matching the mesmerizing color of his eyes.

He stood up, looking down on me. He grabbed my waist between his hands and curved his lips into a small smile.

He was quite a bit taller than I was, and I had to tilt my head upwards just to see his face.

I pushed my weight onto my toes and leaned upward, trying to reach his level.

He let out a small laughter as he watched how much I struggled to kiss him goodbye.

Just then, he leaned down a bit and planted a passionate kiss on my lips, moving his hands to my upper back.

"I'll miss you," he giggled as we both pulled away from the kiss.

"I'll see you on Monday," I laughed as I lightly pushed him outside.

"You're not gonna walk me home?" he sarcastically rolled his eyes. Little did he knows that was exactly what I planned on doing.

"Oh yes I am, who told you I wasn't?" I said as I confidently wrapped my scarf around my neck and slid into my shoes.

I walked out to the sidewalk where Keiji stood, his face bright pink.

"Y/n, y-you don't have to, I was joking," he waved his hands in front of himself adorably. I giggled and grabbed his arm.

"Keiji," I looked up at him and wrapped my free arm around his neck, pulling his face towards my own.

I pecked a small kiss on his cheek and smirked at him sarcastically.

"Shut up, please," I spoke, trying not to laugh. He broke out into a trail of giggles, forcing me to follow.

We walked to his house with our hands locked together, just like before.

Snow started to fall again, covering Keiji's hair in white flakes. His cheeks and nose were pink from the cold. Everything about him was perfect.

Sadly, his house wasn't far from mine, but I was still intrigued to see where he lived. It was only a street away, and the walk felt like it was a few seconds long.

My eyes were stuck on him, snowflakes falling down my eyelashes. He looked mesmerized by the white flakes that covered the sky.

As we approached his house, I looked at him in disappointment.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on skipping school on Monday," he giggled.

"Okay, bye bye," I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me into a tight hug before waving goodbye.

I watched as he slowly made his way into his house. I admired his every step, and everything about him.

How could I ever deserve someone as perfect as him?

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now