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I made my way over to Akira's school, knowing that it finished about half an hour before mine did. I saw her sitting on a bench at the front of the school, a notebook and a pencil in her hands. 

"Akira!" I called out. She looked over at me and stood up from the bench. I watched her run over to me in excitement.

"Y/n! Is Bokuto not walking with us today?" Her facial expression changed quickly. 

"He has volleyball almost every day, Akira. Why do you still ask such stupid questions?" I sarcastically said while giving her a little head-rub. Akira frowned and giggled before we both headed home. 

"Y/n, I saw how you looked at Akaashi today. You like him don't you," Akira teased as she elbowed me in the stomach lightly.

"W-What? No, I don't!" I stuttered. My face was turning bright red and I knew it.

"See?! You're blushing!" she continued to tease. 

"No, you met him once, Akira!" I frowned, elbowing her in return. She started laughing, making me really pissed. 

I didn't like him, did I? He was just exceptionally nice to people. And handsome. And sweet. And genuinely kind. And, well maybe I did like him...

We walked home side by side, flowing through our normal topics of conversation: school, our family, when Bokuto had volleyball, etc. 

As we reached our house, I grabbed a key from my backpack and unlocked the door. Akira dropped her bag off next to the stairs and went into the kitchen, but I just decided to go upstairs and start doing homework. Mom wasn't home yet anyway, so to take advantage of the quietness would be nice. 

I wasn't really motivated to do the three assignments that I had planned to, but I forced myself through them.

As I finished my math homework, my mind zoned out a bit. I started to get distracted and eventually just gave up on homework as a whole.

I flopped myself onto the bed and pulled out my phone. I was quite bored, even though I could've just been doing my homework. Nah, that wasn't an option at this point. 

I opened my text messages and my mind wandered to my number neighbor. I kind of forgot about them, so I decided to text.

From y/n:
Hello :)

I really didn't know what else to say, but I was quite bored and Bokuto was at practice. I didn't have very many other friends, now that I come to think about it. I have a bunch of mutual friends who I kind of talk to but I slowly started to give up on them as I made my way through life. Bokuto was the only person I could actually trust with information, and Akaashi was starting to become one of my friends as well, hopefully. 

From unknown number:
Hi :)

I smiled when I saw that they had returned my smiley face.

From y/n:
How are you?

From unknown number:
I'm okay, wbu?

From y/n:
Pretty good, I guess :)

From unknown number:
That's good. I'm sorry, I have to go now. I'll text later :(

Damn it. I had actually started a decent conversation that could've potentially lead me to learn more about this person. 

Just then, I heard the front door open downstairs and I automatically assumed it was my mother. 

I stood up from my bed and walked into the hallway. Step by step, I walked down the stairs and saw my mother talking to Akira in the kitchen. 

"Hi, mom. How was work?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen. 

"It was fine, how was school?" she replied.

"Pretty good," I smiled.

"I need to catch up on something upstairs. Can you girls make yourselves something to eat, please?" she asked. I nodded and walked over to Akira.

As I cooked dinner, I felt Akira's death stare behind me. 

"May I help you?" I asked sarcastically. 

"Nope!" she beamed. I was extremely confused. She was either hiding something or wanted to make a drama out of absolutely nothing again. 

I shrugged and continued to make dinner. Once I finished, I sat next to Akira at the kitchen table, noticing a smirk planted across her face.

"Akira, what do you want?" I was pretty annoyed now. 

"You should tell Mama about your boyfriend," she smirked even more. I planted my face into my hand as her quiet giggles filled the room.

"He. Is. Not. My. Boyfriend. Now shut up," not yet, that is. 

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now